CZ-75 preB price check


New member
Found a preB locally at about 90% finish condition, mechanically excellent. No extras except one spare magazine. Both mags are numbered to the gun with an electric hand engraver. Is $500 asking price way out of line? Thanks in advance for replies. Murdock


New member
You can get a brand new 'B' for very close to $500.

If it was a mint, late, long slide rail version, with a fresh 16lb Wolff recoil spring, and Wolff magazine springs... then yes, it'd definitely be worth $500 to a Cold War "Wondernine" aficionado.

Get a new 'B' and be happy. :D


Walt Sherrill

New member
Having had a number of BOTH Bs and pre-Bs, I'd say it's really a matter of personal choice. I've paid as much as $600 for a NIB pre-B, and as little as $375 for a very nice pre-B. And, I've paid varying amounts for pre-B 85s (and the 85 Combat and the equivalent, before it was called that.)

Right now, I have an 85 Combat (no firing pin block), a semi-custom 75B SA, a highly customized AT-84s (a clone), and a Sphinx. All are the same basic design. The Sphinx and the custom AT are the best of the bunch, but I paid more for them.

Personally, I'd rather find a used B, and have a good gunsmith work the trigger.

The B won't look as good as the pre-B -- the newer design trigger guard looks funky -- but there are a few parts that are increasingly hard to get on some of the older pre-Bs (having to do with the safety lever on some models.)