CZ-75 grip: Wow!


New member
Wow, just held a CZ-75 for the first time in a pawn shop, and I was floored! It fit my hand like it was made for me, and the steel frame was a far cry from the polyer ones I'm used to seeing. Are they all like that, like they molded your palm to make the grip? If they are, a beautiful love affair may have just started!


New member
Was the CZ- 75 you were holding a PO-1? The rubber grips on mine feel like they were molded to my hand.


New member
And another convert is made,,,

I bought a CZ-75B because of the way it fit my hand,,,
It was the only full size high capacity 9mm I could wrap my hand around.

I shot every Wunder-Nine I could beg, borrow, steal, or rent,,,
That fantastic grip was what sold me as much as anything.

But the best thing about the CZ-75B is,,,
They shoot as good as they feel.

So the question is,,,
Are ya gonna buy the Czech lady?



New member
Unfortunately not, not that one anyway. It was a decocker model, and I want a SA only so the operation matches my P238. However, a SAO in stainless might be in my future when the financial stars align, yes! Actually, it jumped to the head of the queue and is hammering loudly and convincingly on the door...


New member
That was the biggest reason I traded my Glock 19 on the CZ75 compact fit my hand SO WELL that I just had to try it. Now I am extemely glad that I did. I shoot this PCR better than any of my other guns, present or previous. Well, I might shoot my Hi-Power a little better.

I had a chance to shoot a CZ kadet this past weekend, and the same thing. Fits my hand well and I shoot it well. So, now it's on my short list to get.

Go back and buy that CZ! You wont regret it!


New member
Hello gunlover,,,

I purchased a CZ-75B Kadet at the same time as I got the 75B in 9mm,,,
It is a fantastic pistol and so far with over 3 bricks of ammo has been flawless.

I broke it in as I do with all .22 semi's,,,
100 to 200 rounds of CCI Mini-Mag,,,
Now it feeds anything I put in it.

This year it is going to be my Steel Challenge handgun,,,
Most people use Rugers, Buckmarks, and such like,,,
I want to try it with a full size service pistol.



New member
I went to the indoor range this morning and took the CZ75-SP01 and the CZ97.

Ran 100 rounds through each of them with out a hiccup. The guns run fine and both are accurate as all get out.

I do not understand how I overlooked them for so long.



New member
I wasn't fond of the plastic grips that came with my 75B (well, that, and I kinda melted them with gun scrubber), but I've got a set of the Hogue aluminum grips that fit my hand real well.


New member
Hello notamisfit6,,,

My friend,,,
Is there any chance you could post a pic of those hogue grips on your CZ?

I would surely appreciate seeing them on the gun.

Thanks in advance,,,




New member
The CZ75 SA is a terrific pistol. Mine was set up for speed shooting and I probably shoot it more than any gun I own.



New member
Hello dgludwig,,,

Imo, the only pistol grip that comes close to the CZ's almost perfect one, is the Browning Hi-Power.

Wasn't the design for the original CZ-75 based on,,,
Or at least strongly influenced by the Browning Hi-Power?

I can't remember where I read or heard that.



Amin Parker

New member
Aaron is too believe that the cz 75 is inspired by the venerable Hi Power.

Is it not a real shame that so few people appreciate the cz 75? I have found it out shoots anything in its class.


New member
aarondhgrahm: Though the actual design wasn't (for instance, notice the slide within the frame application of the CZ vs the conventional "Browning" slide on top of the frame configuration of the Hi-Power; the da capability of the CZ vs the sa only Hi-Power, among other significant differences) but the two pistols certainly seem to share some general ergonomic and handling quality similarities.


New member
Yea, design wasn't the proper term to use,,,

But I get your point,,,
The ergo's and general appearance are similar.

I would bet a shiny new .44 Mag cartridge,,,
That the person who designed the CZ-75 was at least a Hi-Power fan.

The finalists last year for my Wunder-9 purchase,,,
Were the CZ, Hi-Power, and a Sig that I forget the model number of.

The CZ won out for me.




New member
Yeah, that's a big reason everyone loves them.

Hi-Powers are the same way. A big part of it is that they narrow towards the top, behind the trigger.

"Well begun is half done."


New member
the cz75 has nothing to do with the BHP. like many other new designs of the past,cz took a few ideas from here and there and came up with a few things of there own,especially the combination.

i love the cz grips too and have been a fan for a very long time,but if it makes you go WOW,then holding an ar-24 in your hand will make you wet your pants. the radius for the hand webbing is deeper and the rubber panels will fill your palms while not making it feel any bigger at all.

of course,you may not like it for whatever reason you decide but.....