CZ 75 Compact 9mm Question


New member
I see new ones at GB, but they show a 10 rnd magazine and call it a "C" model. The CZ website shows 14 rnds. Will 14 rnd mags fit in these?


New member
They should if they are legal in your state to do so.

I'm told that the 14 round Compact (and RAMI) mags are hard to find right now.
Probably because of all the P-01 buyers picking them up.

chris in va

New member
IIRC my 75bd came with 2 10rd mags and one 15. I suspect the compact should as well.

'C' model is simply 75c for 'compact'...not actually a different model or anything. Good gun if you like one with a safety.


New member
NEW Compacts should

Come with 14 rounders. You can get Mec-Gars for them - I hear they work fine. Promag makes a CZ 75 Compact Mag for the 40 SW version - and they work great with the 9mm - 14 rounds worth.

IF the gun is new OLD STOCK it also may come with 10 rounders, which are fine for range use. Some 'dealers' seem to have subbed the 10 for 14 rounders...

Try here for more mags:


New member
>IF the gun is new OLD STOCK it also may come with 10 rounders, which are >fine for range use. Some 'dealers' seem to have subbed the 10 for 14 >rounders...

Okay, what's the difference in pistols between OLD STOCK and NEW STOCK?

This is sure a place to get quick answers!

Ralph Allen

New member
Mec-Gar is original equipment magazines on CZ's. Top Gun supply has these magazines for your CZ's, compact or PO1, 14 rounders for less than $20.00. You can change out the base plate to the soft one from CZ to perfectly match your PO1.


New member
I have a CZ 75 compact that originally came with ban era 10 round magazines. I also have 14 round magazines that fit and function perfectly. So, the answer to your question is yes.


New member
"New old stock" means that the gun is still new, but was produced in the past. If it was produced during the hi cap mag ban, it may still come with the 10 round mags.


New member
My P01 came with the Clintonista neutered mags, back a few years ago. I replaced them with 14 rounders, including one actually marked LE Only.


I like the old style magazines, with the curved baseplates, not the thicker plastic ones, but that's just me. I still have a 10 rounder around here somewhere.
There have been some unscrupulous dealers who replace 14 round mags with older 10 rounders, and sell the 14s separate for $20 each. Other I have seen remove one spare mag, and sell it separate. The new stock CZs come with two mags from the factory, both normal capacity. Guns made before the end of the ban and not yet sold, (getting kinda rare to find those now!), may still have factory 10 round mags.
But all in all, the 14s are the rule, not the exception.



New member
Okay, the pistols are the same -- no improvements since the ban was lifted.

It's surprising that some high volume internet gun sellers are still selling new CZ 75s with the 10 rounders.

Here's how the high-volume internet gun dealer responded:

"This gun comes with 10 round mags for states that have bans in place
like California, the gun is the same. "

Makes sense.
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New member
I'm not.

Thats what folks do. And.. there are some new old stock pistols out there. I got my glossy blue two/three years ago - its a 99. AND IT CAME WITH 14 ROUND MAGS. At the same show, there was another new Compact - it was an '03, and it came with 10 rounders - go figure.