CZ-75 Compact 9mm & +P questions


New member
Is it safe? What about +P+? And for defense reasons, would I want to?

Is it economical to reload 9mm? Have the tools, would need the dies. The reloads would probably be range fodder, once I have enough practice to bring the bullets accuracy into question, i;ll tailor.



New member
From what I have gathered, +p+ is not exactly all that more punch from the 9mm. Why not just stick with +p and a good load? Why would you want to risk overpenetration, bullet fragmentation or just simply more wear on your gun?
+P should work fine in most modern pistols. You could contact a dealer about it in the one you are particularly looking at. It makes little sense to reload 9mm as you would save very little. 50 rounds can be had for about $5-7 in most cases for decent stuff. If you can make 50 rounds for $4, are you going to really spend the time to do it?

Eric Larsen

New member hit one I can help with. I carry/have carried for years Compact CZ's and shoot ALOT of +P+. Use a 20# Wolff recoil spring and your cool! If you shoot some +P+ and FMJ ammo an 18# will work well also.
The gun will take everything you can throw at it, with the right recoil spring.
Shoot well............


New member
Thanks Eric, answered my question. Is there any real need to change the springs? Or just wait for wear and upgrade when the time comes?

Mark, where can I get 9mm that is reliable for 5$ per 50 w/out ordering 1200 rounds to bump down the average? In Cabela's they have 1200 for 139.99, & that comes out to 5.80$ per 50. I got Remington FMJ X 50 for 7.99 the other night at Dicks, wanted it just to run through & play. Any info appreciated.



New member
you may have to order in bulk to get good discounts, but Dicks just had a special on UMC (ok, not the cleanest, but should be good for some practice). It was about $5 a box for in store pickup.

Ammoman is selling CCI blazer brass for $75 per 500rds, same price for Fiocchi

Natchez is selling CCI blazer (aluminum case) for $5 and blazer brass for 75 cents more a box
S&B is just over $5 a box (red laquer may jam stuff, so be careful and clean thoroughly afterwards)
Winchester WB is just under $6

Ammoman has free shipping if I recall

look for Natchez closeouts and local sales. Those work well. Picked up 6 bricks of .22LR for $1.18 a box (stuff my 22 loves)