CZ 70 firing pin length


New member
Update: CZ 70 firing pin length

I just picked up one of these recently. During initial cleaning I noticed that the firing pin protrudes into the breech face ever so slightly (when pushed on from the rear) even when the fp block is engaged. I experimented with some primered brass and if I cock the hammer to almost full cock then let go, it will pop the primer. The hammer has to be at almost full cock for it to happen.
There are no signs of peening, chips or any other damage to either the fp or the block. The fp material seems to be either nickle plated or stainless. I have never heard of either material being used for the cz 70 FP.

Would it be possible to shorten the tip of the firing pin?

Any other thoughts?

I decided to try my hand at removing a millimeter or so from the tip of the firing pin. I figured that I could order a new pin for about $25.00 if I ruined the original - the peace of mind would be priceless.

I used a jewelers file then buffed it smooth. Making sure to get a good radius on it so as not to pierce any primers.

Works just like it should!
I have read incidents of these discharging from time to time when decocking. (I always ease the hammer down anyway) Makes me wonder if firing pin length may have been root cause.

I also want to repeat that there was no evidence of any damage, peening chipping, etc. on either the firing pin itself or the stop. In fact, the fp looked new.
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