CZ 527 Classic

A few weeks ago I purchased a used CZ 22 hornet. Have only shot maybe 150 rounds thru this gun, and it looked like things were going well in working up a couple of different loads. today, at the end of my range session, the rounds were not feeding very well from the clip. Then when i tried to remove the bold, the handle came off in my hand. I removed the rest of the bolt, and have messed around, looked at the CZ pdf file with instructions on bolt disassembly. This is puzzling, because I am guessing that I must have unscrewed the "bolt sleeve" thus releasing the handle. But the last 30 minutes I have been trying my best to get things corrected. It ain't workinnnngggg. :confused:

Any ideas? I will certainly email CZ USA and ask for help, but thought that somebody here may have some input that assists with my ineptitude.

Colorado Redneck


New member
If it's like a Mauser, and you know what you're about, the mainspring can be dismounted & removed from the firing pin/cocking piece, that I THINK you've removed out of the rear of the bolt along with the bolt knob/etc.

Then, the threaded part can be screwed back into the rear of the bolt body, securing the bolt handle in it's normal position, allowing opening & clearing the chamber.

Everything can then be re-assembled again.

If not - take it to a real gunsmith.

CZ gunsmith called me

I emailed CZ USA and toady I got a call from their gunsmithing dept. In fact, I did remove the back of the bolt by pulling and turning, thus releasing the spring and relieving tension that held the handle in place. The guy told me how to re-assemble the bolt, how to make sure it was correct. I came home and in about 2 minutes had the bolt together and back in the gun.

Thanks for your comment, PetahW. You hit the nail on the head.

The little gun shoots great. Next week there may be a prairie dog shoot in the works. :D


New member
Customer Service

from CZ sounds awesome. Gunsmith called you back to assist after an email for help. No wonder I like their products.