CZ 52 Questions


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These guns sound like a lot of fun to shoot. I have some questions:

Are they accurate?
How would you describe the recoil?
How would you describe the trigger?



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Has info on these pistols, mainly what ammo they like, reliability improvements, etc. I like the CZ-52 because it is one of the ugliest autos I've ever seen. Add to that the weird caliber of ammo and the huge muzzle flash and resulting noise and you have a pistol that will have everyone at the range wondering what you are firing.

It seems to be somewhat accurate but nothing stellar; my bulgie makarov is more accurate as are most 1911s that I've fired. Recoil is pretty sharp and the hard non-ergonomic grips do nothing to help the felt recoil. The muzzle flash and noise are spectacular with the hot eastern bloc ammunition. Good shooting.


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I bought my CZ-52 at a gun show for $100 and it looks like new. Every time I pull the trigger it goes "BANG"... Best hundred bucks I spent in a long time.:)


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Had one for a while; it was a pretty cool pistol with a lot of oddball charm. I kinda miss it and have been debating replacing it lately. Recoil is not so bad, but muzzle flip is pretty pronounced due to the rather straight grip angle. Feels odd to shoot at first, but you will get used to it quickly.


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C Z 52

Hays the CZ is only as accurate as the shooter. bench it and it holds a fairly tight group. It has fairly heavy recoil, but that is because of the high velocity of the bullet, trigger pull is heavy but not extreme. it's a fun gun don't make it the backbone of your armory, the only bone I have with it is the firing pin is weak if dry fired it will snap. instant $30.00. But I still like it . Luck hotdog:D


New member
I shoot mine all the time. It's a great gun to shoot in the early watching fireworks!
The gun out performs me. Super accurate. I find most guns are mor accurate than me. THe recoil? Hey, I don't think it's bad. I can shoot the gun 100 times and not feel beat up. The gun is fairly heavy and handles the 7.62x25 Tok. round real well.
It's a steal at less than $200.


New member
I purchased a 52 back in June(2001) and don't regret it. If you get one and when you go to the range with it, you may want to ask for the right most lane. Both gentleman from the first two lanes on my right kept getting rained on by hot brass. Also, most other shooters will stop and look when you shoot the 52.

You'll enjoy it if you get it. Just watch out for the corrosive surplus ammo.


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CZ-52's, because of thier very strong and stable roller locking barrel system, is reknowned for excellent accuracy. Mine is a tack driver. Granted, the sight aren't fantastic, but they are quite usable. They are very reliable in 7.62x25, mainly because of the bottleneck feed profile. As far as being ugly, I would say "unusual" is a more appropriate word. I love mine. :D :D


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My CZ-52 is a ball to shoot. Yes, a little "unique" to look at, but what a great buy. I paid 100 bucks for mine a few years back. My best friend turned me on to it, and I am so glad he did.


New member
Ah...the CZ-52.
This is a great gun to shoot (if you can get past the bad ergonomics and the recoil.)
These things are real tack drivers, I've hit steel targets at 100 yards with them.
Since the round has a high velocity and light bullet, the gun tends to shoot very flatly, just point and click.
If you do pick one up, though, I would recommend that you mosey on over to and pick up one of the Harrington firing pins, along with an 18.5 lb Wolff recoil spring.

The recoil spring is a must, especially if you shoot hot ammo through it. The ones that come with the pistol are kinda cheesy, and will allow the roller mechanism to beat itself against the inside of the slide, which will eventually knock the roller loose.

These are excellent pistols, they just need a little bit of TLC, and they won't disappoint you.
Interesting gun. Handled one a while back and now seem to have the itch. Might just go on a recon mission at the next gun show. A hundred bucks is the target price?


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Inspector Callahan,
If you can find one for $100.00...snap it up if it looks decent. Most prices from dealers are $175-195
Century has them for $129....others on-line are in the ballpark of Century's price. I got mine from SOG (Southern Ohio Gun). I think it as similar to Century's price...perhaps higher.
If you think you might like to add to your collection...might I suggest you look hard at a C&R lic.
It's great. I have purchased a CZ-52, CZ-50, and to SKS rifles with mine so far. I also get dealer prices on ammo and parts from many distributors.
Have fun at the gun show!


New member
I have two. I paid $80 each for them from a private party. Actually I paid some additional money on one of them because it came with a 9mm Luger barrel also (he was willing to sell the gun alone for $80). Mine have been reliable and pretty accurate. In fact they are quite accurate. A lot of parts are available from I put most of the "trick" parts offered into one of mine along with a set of real nice Hogue walnut grips. The second one I bought was very nicely finished and the grips really set it off. I have toyed with the idea of sending it away to get a set of adjustable sights installed. But that would cost over $150, but I am still intrigued. If you reload, there are some stout loads listed in the Accurate Powder loading manual.


New member
Glad to hear all of the good reports. I too am thinking about a CZ52.

One question: How does this rate against the Tokarev? I know they are completely different guns, but they shoot the same cartridge. I like the Tokarev for its history, the CZ for its unusualness. Maybe I need to get both!:D


New member
IIRC the hot 7.62 rounds are a no-go for the Tokarev. They were designed for sub-machinegun use, and are also ok for the cz52. So if you get a Tok, make sure you don't use subgun ammo in it.



New member
Getting both is the best plan. (you can never have too many guns) I have a Polish Tok. and it is just as much fun to shoot as my also helps justify buying a case of 7.62x25 ammo!


New member
Justification to buy a whole case! Wow, I didn't consider that one. That is probably the best reason to buy both!!!!

Thanks (well, my wife won't like it, but...)!