CZ-452 and Tech-Sights


New member
I was shooting at 12ga. shotshell hulls today @ 25 yards with my 452 Ultra Lux, and felt continual frustration at how thick the front sight post is with stock CZ sights. Has anybody gotten the aperature sights from tech-sights, and if so, was the front sight post thinner? I'm planning to get the tech-sights eventually, but I might move my purchase up in priority if they come with a narrow post!

Also... anybody try the version for the SKS?

Danny Creasy

New member
Actually the tech-sight front post looks wider than the factory sight on my UltraLux.

Does it bother you to put the shotgun shell in the middle of the post and have a lot of space on each side? Are you looking for something as narrow as say an 03 Springfield post?

We shoot a 50 foot open sight benchrest match at my local club using the USBR target (aka the green monster). A friend and I have traded victories both using our CZ 452 UltraLux rifles. I think the UL has the best open sight set up that I have ever fired. Here is the sight picture I use on the USBR target:


Here is the best target I have ever shot in this match:


Have to use a spotting scope to track hits and misses or you can goof up:

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New member
Well... I just figured that seeing as the post was 4 times as wide as the shells appeared at that range, a slimmer one would be nice. Probably no more than 1/3rd thinner... I'm not familiar with the '03 Springfield sights, I'm afraid. I mean, it's not that I wasn't hitting the hulls, but I think it would be easier for faster target acquisition (say popping squirrels or rabbits) if it was a bit thinner. I wonder if I can just file the sides of the new sight and reblue them?

Those are great targets btw, nice shooting!

Danny Creasy

New member

Seems like the thinning up of the Tech-Sights front post would work well. Good luck on that project. Please post some pics of the altered front sight if you decide to take it on.

I do know what you mean about the challenges of open sight shooting. Here is an interesting example. We shoot a .22 rimfire varmint style match with scoped and bi-podded sporters. The competitor has one minute from a standing start to go prone and engage five NRA size chicken silhouettes at just over 80 yards with 10 rounds. Its really not that hard to hit them with this set up but the resulting man on man tiebreakers with a five round limit get very exciting.


Back to the open sights, I had just acquired my UltraLux a few days before one of these matches and after the scoped shooting was finished, I put the rear sight in the 100 yard notch (I had not even fired the used rifle) and tried some offhand shots with the new UltraLux at a few of the birds that the last string of shooters had left standing. A couple of friends laughed and said that I could not hit what I could barely see. I actually used the brightly painted target bases (steel pipes) as the aim points and squeezed the shots off as the pipes disappeared behind the front post. A hit on the first shot silenced the naysayers but I was as surprised as anyone with the hit. Sure enough, only two or three hits resulted out of 15 rounds (three mags full). Much fun though.
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