CZ 40B


New member
This has been hanging on our wall for sale for 6 months, I couldn't resist it any longer and just bought it.
It feels so good in my hands.
The way I understand it is it's a CZ75B with a grip frame the shape of a 1911, albeit thicker.
12+1 shot .40S&W.




New member
Good price :D. Got mine for about the same and after 2000 rds never a failure. I feelits one of the nicest .40 on the market.


New member
The CZ40B is one of the most underrated handguns. Which reminds me I'll have to take it out and play with it more often.

Walt Sherrill

New member
It's NOT EXACTLY a 75B, but the internals are similar and share many parts, and it's basically the 75B design inside. The barrel lockup is a little different, I think. The Kadet Kit won't work on the 40B, although I have heard that some folks have made them fit.

I had a 40B when they first came out, and foolishly traded it away. It was (and they are) really sweet-shooting guns, and because of the alloy frames, a bit lighter than similar guns. They also seem to be almost trouble-free. You seldom hear of ANY problems with CZ-40Bs.

The mags from a 40b won't work in a standard 75B .40, because of the weird baseplate/grip design of the 40B (a Colt specification for the Colt Z 40, which was a functionally similar gun, built by CZ for Colt.) If you have need extra mags, just get the standard 75B Mec-Gars mags, and they'll work fine in the 40B, with a small gap at the bottom.

CZ did a second production run (if not more) of the 40B a year or two after they were first introduced, but I haven't heard of any newer ones, since then.

Do use snap caps when dry-firing, as the firing pin retention roll pin CAN break with repeated battering. (I speak from experience.) You can get another roll pin at any hardware store, and you might even be able to get a "doubled" pin (roll pin with a roll pin inside) from CZ-USA, which is how they "fixed" the problem of breaking pins. I dry-fired other CZs repeatedly without a break and was a real skeptic about the rumors of their breaking until I had mine break with a relatively low trigger-pull count.

I'll eventually find one for sale or trade, and get one back.

Hopefully, I'll also stumble across a Colt Z-40 someday, for a reasonable price. Basically the same gun, but generally in DAO. They did make a few DA/SA models; the Colt DAO trigger (built by CZ) is supposed to be very nice.


New member
Originally Colt contracted CZ to build them and were to be dubbed the Colt Z40. At some point, Colt backed out and CZ simply renamed it . I'm no fan of the 40, but couldnt refuse one for the price, shortly after they were released. CZ designed it "from the ground up" as a 40 and that's evident upon inspection. Like all CZs, they're extremely well made, reliable and accurate.


New member
CZ40B - Know to be the best made of all the CZ's.

Just too many politics got in the way of it's continued exsistance.


New member
I have been the happy owner of a CZ40B for several years. I picked it up via Auctionarms for $280 and think it would have been a steal at twice that price! After several thousand rounds through it over the years it has one of the best trigger pulls I have ever felt. As far as accuracy, it will out shoot two or my three West German SIGs.


New member
Very under-rated pistol. CDNN had a close on them about 2-3 years ago, went for $289.00 plus shipping NIB. Naturally I scooped one up.

One of my all time favorite 40's and mine will feed anything. For $300.00 you done good, grasshopper ;)


New member
Like schmeky, bought two several years ago from CDNN at the $289 price... wish I would have got two more.
This is a very well made pistol (like all CZs) and a pleasure to shoot. At $300 you 'stole it.'