CW9 Feeding Issues


New member
I picked up a Kahr CW9 a couple of weeks ago. I have only shot 58 rounds through it yet, all fmj. I had no feeding issues with the fmj, but I loaded up a magazine of Hydra-Shok and the first round would not feed. I also tried a mag of Federal Personal Defense and had the same results. I tried a mag og Zombie Max and they fed fine just racking the slide. I did not shoot them yet. Has anyone else experienced feeding problems with the CW9? I have not tried another magazine because I only have one. I ordered a couple more, but they haven't come in yet. Is there any other ammo with feed issues in the CW? Thanks in advance for any info.


Did you try chambering the first round by releasing the slide catch on the locked-back slide, or by racking the slide?

Try it by using the slide catch- that's what's recommended.

I also don't like to chamber SD ammo before using it for a couple of reasons- I don't like to increase the potential for bullet set back, as well as the fact that racking the slide won't truly mimic operation under normal firing conditions. Try shooting the SD ammo and see how it works.

But- complete the break-in requirements of 200 rounds with FMJ before trying the SD rounds.


New member
When you rack the slide to chamber the first round, don't ease it forward even a little bit. Pull fully to the rear and release. Or you can try what AH.74 said and lock the slide back, insert a mag, and use the slide release if it has one. Polishing the feed ramp might not be a bad idea either.


New member
Kahr recommends using the slide release to chamber the round. I have done this from day one with my CW-9 and CM-9 and have never had any problems. Neither one needed a break in period. Like stated above 50 something rounds isn't enough for a good break in. Some do need a good 200 rounds or so break in period to make sure there are no real issues.


Kahr recommends using the slide release to chamber the round.
That is correct. I think that it's common for people to have trouble properly racking the slide on a small semi-auto and that's why Kahr makes this recommendation.


New member
I realize that 50 rounds is not enough of a break in. I guess I am just prematurely worried about a potential problem. Also, I had not intended to shoot SD ammo yet. Was just trying out to see about feeding. I will wait awhile before I get concerned again. Thanks for the comments.

chris in va

New member
Unless something has changed, Kahr recommends a 200rd break-in count before suggesting there might be a problem. It also states in the manual to release the slide using the lever.


New member
I went back and read the loading instructions in the manual and sure enough it said to use the slide release instead of simply racking the slide. I tried it with a mag of Hydra-Shok and low and behold they fed. I guess they include instructions with guns for a reason, huh. I had always tried to avoid using the slide lock to release the slide and never had a problem with other guns. Not really sure why I tried to avoid it. The other guns were 1911, Pt92, LCP, and Bersa, all with different feed ramps than the Kahr. So now I know a couple of new things. Also, maybe the Kahr will smooth out after the break in. Thanks guys.


New member
KMAX Buy some 124gr fmj ammo and run a couple hundred rounds thru it. Take two different brands. If you can buy a winchester nato over the run of the mill WWB . Even blaser/ pmc, fiocchi 124gr fmj. Some times the recoil spring needs the heavier ammo to cycle well at frist. By 200 rounds you may find yours will cycle most any 115hr ammo out there.

Any pistol can be picky about HP ammo to. But useing the slide release at first helps. After that 200 round see if you can sling shot with fmj then try your HP ammo. Watch for the plastic fake rails to wear back. Keep that cleaned off. Buy that same 100 or 200 rounds fired those "rail" will stop wearing too. I tend to use only speer gold dots and have no range time with other HPs but many guys do use your perfered brand.

Enjoy your pistol.


New member
Kahr recommends a 200 round break-in. When I bought my PM9, I put 100 trouble-free rounds of FMJ through it and then decided to try some hollow points (Gold Dots). I immediately began having problems so I finished the 200 round break-in with FMJ. After that, no problems feeding Gold Dots.


New member
I had similiar issues with the one I had. That is why I traded it on a G19 and the problems went away. Not one problem yet with my S&W Shield.


New member
My Khar MK9 was also really tight at first. The first round of any ammo gave me trouble, but upon calling Khar it was pointed out to me about chambering the first round by releasing the slide catch (yes, it was in the manual- no, I didn't read it... yes, I felt dumb when the rep. told me lol). That fixed it. Once I shot it more, and made sure it was properly oiled the issue went away. Now I don't always use the slide catch- as long as I make sure to pull the slide back ALL THE WAY, and then RELEASE IT AT ONCE from that "all the way back position"- it does fine.

In regards to the hollow points I have had a 1911 give me that problem, but not my Khar. I would personally shoot it a few hundred rounds, clean and oil it, and then see if the problem is still there. Perhaps it just needs to be properly broken in!


New member
I'll add one titbit to the answers. All of my Kahrs load properly when using the slide release. I can't remember a loading problem ever doing that. However... all of my Kahrs also load when I aggressively slingshot the slide. The spring energy is the same, but the key is to let go and let the spring do it's job. No riding, nothing gentle, not half an effort. That also works.

Having said that... all of my Kahrs are midsize and large frame. No small frames in my collection. Whether it works on small frame Kahrs I can't say from personal experience.

Some guns allow you to load gently, in slow motion, easing the round into the chamber. Kahrs simply will not load slowly or gently. Kahrs like it rough! :eek:
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However... all of my Kahrs also load when I aggressively slingshot the slide. The spring energy is the same, but the key is to let go and let the spring do it's job. No riding, nothing gentle, not half an effort. That also works.
This is the only correct way to slingshot the slide. Any attempt to let the slide go gently may work on some guns, but it is improper technique.

I tell people the way to properly rack a slide is to pull back on it abruptly like you're going to pull it off the gun and let the end of slide travel break your grip on the slide, releasing the slide to travel forward and feed the round.

I do not use the slide stop on any of my guns, my CW9 included. It feeds just fine. But smaller guns tend to be a lot more picky about slide racking technique than larger ones.

By the way, racking the slide properly, actually provides more spring energy than using the slide stop. That's because there's slightly more spring travel with the slide pulled ALL the way back than there is when the slide is locked open.


New member
I'm afraid I can't help.

My CM9 has functioned perfectly from the very first shot.

Also, I have never had a problem sling-shotting or manually racking the slide, despite what the manual says.