CW9 and Kahr CS

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I Bought a CW9 about a month ago. The mag kept falling out after every other round. Called Kahr and was sent an all metal mag release. Seemed to fix the problem. I now had the recoil spring break after about 500 rounds and called Kahr. Should be a no brainier to send me a new one. I was told to go on the web site and buy one. LOL Really? I will buy a wolf SS spring from Midway USA and sell the gun and buy a Glock. I don't know if I distrust the gun or not but the CS was total BS. After telling the CS rep how disappointed I was he said to send the gun back to have it checked out. Really? send it back and wait a month or two for a recoil spring. He said Kahr does not have problems with recoil springs. What a joke of a company.

Kahr wanted me to send it back and pay for shipping. Yah, 20 bucks in shipping for an 8 dollar spring. I posted this for those who are thinking of buying a gun and what to expect from Kahr CS. Not much. I had a mag go bad on my Smith M&P and called Smith, I did not even have to give them a serial No, they just wanted my address. Not that is a company. I may just sell the cw and buy a compact M&P. Had my Glock 19 plastic guide rod break and will call Glock tomorrow to see how they take care of customers.
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New member
had a cw9. you mentioned the MP. the MP9c is a MUCH better weapon. I have one of those, but I must recommend to you the CZ Rami 9 in alloy. Just hold a CZ and you'll know.......especially a Compact 75D PCR.


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Please post a picture of the broken recoil spring. I've never seen a broken recoil spring, especially a simple straight spring such as the CW9 uses.


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^ +1
If ever there were a thread thats "worthless without pics", this is it.

I sent Kahr a fussy 7rd mag in just a envelope with a note requesting they replace it with a 6rd - I received a fresh trouble-free 6rd in about a week.

I am not looking for a resolution from anyone nor do I wish to hear the apologists say how great Kahr is for giving them a reach around, I posted this for those who are thinking of buying a gun and what to expect from Kahr
So basically, your not here to discuss, your not here to seek help with a problem, your just here to (dubiously) bash Kahr and use a repugnant expression?
Honestly, its a poor thread-starter by any standard.
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dash, what is worthless if the idea that you sent back a mag and got a replacement. Doing what they should do is not something to crow about. Its a lot like telling your wife she should app. the fact you don't beat her.

I don't have a photo of the spring, I was at the range when after a few mags the slide did not go all the way forward. I took it apart and threw the spring in the garbage barrel. I should have kept it but I was not thinking of Kahr being such idiots over an 8 dollar spring or as far as cost goes a 2 dollar spring.

Now here are company's that take care of their customers. My brother just bought two Glocks and did some research about the guide rods breaking. It got me to thinking about my 2nd gen 19 in the safe and so I took it out and disassembled it and found the back of the plastic rod that fits into the lug grove was half missing. I called Glock this morning and they wanted a serial number and then my address to send a new one to.
I called Smith and Wesson about a mag for my M&P that was not working correctly and my be a weak follower spring. They did not even want a serial number just an address to send a new mag to.

Now follow that up with Kahr that wants me to spend 20 bucks to send a gun back for a 2 dollar spring or I can buy their over priced POS on line for a gun that was manufactured a bit over two months ago.

No contest and Kahr is slipping bad. They used to have a good reputation but its starting to go away from the posts I am reading on line. One person on THR said his gun shop in Virginia stopped selling Kahrs because of the trouble with them.

I did not want to buy a moonie gun in the first place as its a cult of the first order and I have a principal about cults as to not support them. I may sell my Kahr after getting a new wolf spring and get a compact M&P or Glock 26 At least they take care of their customers.

BTW Dash is a classic example of those who will not see the Forest through the trees, instead of just saying I have had brand x for years and never encountered a problem, sorry you had a problem he uses an Ad Hominem attack, which makes one thing that he is trying to over compensate for something like maybe a problem with is beloved brand X? I like my Glock but I don't like Glock people because to them if you say the smallest thing against or not favorable to Glock they pounce on you like you tired to attack their 5yo daughter. If I have good luck with a product I will say it and if I don't I will say that also, I don't get paid to crow about some company and my genitalia does not get bigger if the brand x has a better reputation and I own one.
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New member
Kahr CS sucks

Well I called Kahr one more time and got the same idiot. Some guy who has a heavy English accent. I asked him very politely why it is that Smith sent me a new mag and Glock is sending me a new guide rod and Kahr wants me to spend 20 bucks and wait 6 weeks for a 2 dollar spring? He said that I told him I was shooting Ram ammo which is reloaded and it voided the warranty. LMAO I told him What you want me to buy another and use them for book ends?

I told him he just succeeded to loose me as a customer and every one I can convince that Kahr is at min. very poor customer service and at max a poor gun company all around.

I will be putting my CW9 up for sale after I get a new spring and getting either a M&Pc or G26. Kahr is a looser company and I even asked for a different service tech. I was told he was one of 2 yes he said 2 service techs. I should have known better than to buy a gun from a cult.


New member
dash, what is worthless is the idea that you sent back a mag and got a replacement.

I'm suggesting that if you had just sent them the faulty spring along with a polite note containing your serial number they probably would have just sent you a replacement spring for such a young gun.


New member
I took the time to do research on edteach's posts and here are the results. In 21 total posts he has had a problem with 7 different pistols.
S&W M&P - mag
Kahr CW9 - mag release & recoil spring
Glock 19 - guide rod
S&W Sigma - mag
Ruger P97 - slide pin
Colt Mustang - extractor
Sig P238 - not going into battery & FTF

He has also had unsatifactory experiences with customer service from 4 different companies.

Lastly, he had a problem with a scope.
NCStar 4x22

In 21 total posts he has experienced 12 seperate problems which have narrowed down my conclusions to 1 of 3 possible things.
1. He has had the worst luck with handguns than any poster on this forum.
2. He is more abusive with his handguns than any poster on this forum.
3. He spouts more BS than any poster on this forum.

There is an old saying that nobody gets along with everyone but if you do not get along with anyone the problem is probably you. But wait, you do get along with one. As often as you have expressed problems with other companies products and customer service, you have sang the praises of one in particular. That being Taurus. My advice to you would be since Taurus makes handguns in just about every configuration and their customer service is so stellar,why don't you just stick with them for all your future handgun needs. That way you wont have to spend time on the forums venting.
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I should have known better than to buy a gun from a cult.

Yeah, I think you would have received better feedback had you left some of that (Moonies) out of your message. Constructive criticism is always welcomed, but those kind of complaints are outrageous. And I think your fears would be eased if you read a little more into the company. I SERIOUSLY doubt that Kahr, who only makes single stack CC pistols, is trying to arm all their "cultist" members to one day take over the world.

I am a fan of Kahr, and I own two of them, but I am by no means a fanboy. My used K9 has been 100% since day one, and my CW45 needed a new slide lock spring before I even shot 100 rounds through it. I got a replacement spring in the mail in less than a week, and that was simply by sending an e-mail to the Service Department. I sent pictures, along with a serial number, but that was just me being proactive. I am positive that I could have left that stuff out and still had the spring sent to me, but I hate getting the run around as well.

I will never say that every Kahr produced will be perfect out of the box, and I don't think there is a single company who can make that claim. My experience with them showed that their CS is top notch, and I will continue to belive that until they show me otherwise. You should understand that they would question a recoil spring snapping with such a low round count though, and know that those items are typically replaced by the customer. Either way, I hope you end up happy with whatever comes out of this.


New member
You threw your broken part in the trash vs. saving it to send to Kahr or at least show them?

I can't say I blame them, that sounds fishy to me.


New member
I have a PM9 that is maybe 10 years old. I lose touch with such thing in time. I had to return it to Kahr twice. The second time they sent me a new gun with night sights plus a couple of spare mags.

My own experience is that their CS iS among the best. :confused:

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