Cutting down SXS stock


New member
Hey, am I just paranoid, or is it a no-no on an 18" SXS to cut the stock off, down to the pistol grip? I know you can buy a pump that is essentially the same thing, but I seem to have read or heard that it might not be legal to cut an old one down.

Hopefully, I'm out-to-lunch on this, because I have an old double I'd like to hack down to make an 18" barrelled handgun out of.

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
A coupla things...

First, the OA length has to be at least 27" to keep the Feds happy.

Second, you'll not gain anything in handling ease and WILL lose effectiveness. Contrary to what we see on TV, a PG only shotgun has zero advantage in any theater of operation bigger than a phone booth. And in a phone booth, a major caliber handgun's better.

You might want to read the thread I wrote about a a shootoff between me and anyone that thinks they can function effectively with just a PG on their shotgun of choice. No takers, tho several hundred folks read that thread.

I've known lots of narcs, police, SWAT/HRT team members, FBI agents, and similar folks who depend on their weapons. TTBOMK, NONE have PG only shotguns. The only time I've seen these employed was as door breachers, and then they're tools, not weapons.


New member
Watched a sales pitch for Autoburgler.....20ga, side by side pistol thingy like you talkin bout. Only 20ga. Abomination. None of us could shoot it safely AND accurately. Unless your off hand was on top of the barrels the recoil would have it pointin at the folks behind you, after it klunked you on the hat, and your finger probably still on the trigger. Firm grip on fore end from underneath, like on a real gun, didn't seem to slow down the muzzle rise.

And that was a 20ga.

We didn't buy any.

Listen to Dave.....he been there n done dat.
