custom stocks -- ATI, Ram-Line, or....


New member
I'm just curious -- does anyone have direct contact information for these companies? I've found a whole lot of distributors and retailers, but no info on the manufacturers themselves.

I'm looking into the possibility of having a run of custom synthetic stocks manufactured, and the two manufactuers I've asked so far (McMillan and Choate) said "nope, we don't do that" .. thought I'd give the other guys a try. If anyone has any other suggesstions for places to contact, I'd appreciate it!



NOT Ramline (May they ROT!)

I have thrown away almost every Ramline (May they ROT!) product I have ever bought except for ONE. I kept it to remind me to NEVER buy another Ramline (May they ROT!) product.

It was a stock for a Mauser 96. I'd like to see the gun this thing is supposed to be made for--it sure didn't fit any of the 3 Mauser 96s I owned at the time. And yes, it was the right model stock--it's marked 96.

I don't know how they stay in business--I guess someone out there must have had better luck than I have with their "products".


New member
John -- THANK YOU for the feeeback on Ramline!

Andrew -- synthetic M14 variation. Beyond that it's a surprise. :)
