Custom stock for .22LR kids shooting


New member
I have just bought a .22LR for plinking and teaching the kids to shoot. Problem is that the kids (two boys 6 & 7) are a little too small to handle a full sized stock. I'm thinking of making a custom stock with an adjustable butt (think M4 carbine) and a pistol grip to make it easier for little hands and shoulders.

One of the boys had a go with a friends Ruger 10/22 a few months ago and he's actually a pretty good shot (albeit shooting a 44 gallon drum from about 50 yds). He had a great time and keeps pestering me to let him do it again. So I got this little bolt action second hand. I have fitted a spare 4x scope to it and it shoots pretty well.

My question is has anyone had any experience with fitting these types of stocks to a .22? and any photos /design ideas to take into account?


New member
what kind of .22? if drop some cash on a ruger 10/22 and you'll be able to buy a stock like you want and swap in on in no time. or you could just buy a youth stock and switch back on forth


I bet you could use something like this to mount a collapsible to your .22 stock but the pistol grip would be something else


New member
Yep - probably should have been more specific on that one. It's a little known brand (by me anyway) called Tyrol which apparently is Austrian. It looks a bit like a Krico .22 hornet I used to have. Much as I'd like a 10/22 they are semi auto and therefore difficult to license where I live. The fun police around here are real anal retentives about that..

In fact I was advised last night to check on the legality of pistol grips - apparently they make a gun much more dangerous or something:confused:

I was aware of such a ban in NSW put in place in the late 80's but as far as I know they are not illegal in WA (where I live) so will have to check that out.

BTW - what are those pictures of? They look like something I could use..


New member
ahhh.. cancel last question. Just clicked on the link and can now see what you are talking about! Thanks for the link...


New member
well that's a bum deal. I just go down to the store and take the gun home after they run my name. backround check takes less than 10 minutes usually.
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New member
Have you considered a CZ 452 Scout? It has a shorter LOP for young shooters and smaller framed ladies. The kids would love it. Then again after reading I discover you've already purchased a rifle. The CZ would have been a nice set up though. :D


New member
Yeah I considered a number of rifles but really only wanted a second hand cheapie to teach the kids with - this one set me back $150. My wife also likes to shoot but is a bit scared of the more powerful stuff - recoil and all that..

It's a fun day out on the farm with the kids and my girl likes to have a little competition shoot with the boys at 50-100 yds. I have started on making a custom stock and it's coming together nicely - just working on the bedding now. The original stock was not a nice fit forward of the receiver so I am planning on having a floating barrel set and hopefully improve the performance downrange a little. I have ordered some picatinny rails to mount an adjustable bipod and scope to make it easier to size for the littlies. Hope to have it finished in the next couple of weeks.