custom gp100


New member
Hi all , have a ruger gp100 and really like it. Was woundering if anyone knows if you can /or is it strong enough to re barrel and change /or bore the cylinder out to a 41mag. I think a 41mag in a 6" gp100 would be great . Who would you send it to for this conversion if its posible ? Thanks .

Jim March

New member
*Maybe* as a five-shooter.

I have a Ruger New Vaquero in 357. I know that CAN be reamed to .41mag and swap barrels, but it's considered "borderline" and "edgy". I've also compared my cylinder with that of a GP100 and mine is beefier by a considerable margin.

If it's "edgy" on mine, it's no-go on yours.

A five-shot conversion would be much more expensive as you have to have a whole new cylinder custom-built, the gun's timing jiggered internally, etc.

For the money involved, I'd keep the GP100 and get it's big brother (both mechanically and in terms of "feel"): the SuperRedhawk...

David the Gnome

New member
I would follow Jim's advice and just get the Ruger Redhawk or Super Redhawk. It would be much cheaper and safer plus you'd end up with two guns instead of one! :D


New member
It would have to be a '5' shooter and the cost is far more than the value would be when you are done.
Why not just get an S&W in .41M and have both. For the cost of the conversion, you could have two guns.
Just my two cents worth.


It would indeed have to be a five shot. David Clements was doing these as well as .44Spl's, running $1200-$1400. Far as I know he suspended his five shot double action work. The only other two I know of making cylinders for double actions are Hamilton Bowen and Jack Huntington.

That said, nobody builds a custom gun with resale in mind but no, its value won't be less than the work will cost. We don't build `em to save money either. If what you want is a custom gun, nothing else will suffice. If you want a .41Mag GP I can hardly see how a Super Redhawk, only ever available in .44Mag, .454 and .480, would fill that need.


New member
Value as far as $ or value as far as meaningful for the owner? Two different things. One matters in this type of project, the other...:rolleyes: For what would be involved it would be costly but if the final result is worth it to you...go for it. Keep in mind there's .41 mag Redhawks out there.
Won't mention it would be a 5 shot as that's been hashed over a few times. Start contacting the better 'smiths and see what they have to say. I certainly wouldn't trust such work to just anyone. Clements, Bowen, Gallagher perhaps