Custom Colt CCO from Wild West Guns Rev2


New member
Ok lets try to keep it about this fine looking pistol this time. I plead the 5th in reguards to pushing my orginal thread off topic from the start. Please keep this one on topic!

I have not gotten a chance to get out and shoot it yet but it is slick in a serious business sort of way. They changed out exactly what I want changed out and left the things I loved about the stock gun. It feels great in the hand and I hope to get to the range tonight to shoot it and will post a range report. ASAP

I sent this gun to Wild West Guns in Feb. They installed a these new parts dehorned and refinished the gun:

C&S tactical sear, hammer and disconnector.
C&S extractor
Ed Brown NM Trigger
ED Brown Ext Safety
Ed Brown Mainspring with 25 LPI Checkering
Trigger Job
Complete Dehorn
Refinish in Wilson Tuff Armor Black





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New member
Thanks 18DAI with the slim micarta grips it fits my hand perfectly. Jim West and his boys there do a great job. This is my second WWG custom job. The first was a BHP. :D

As long as the range sessions go as I expect them to I have a new carry 1911.


New member
Well I am just trying to keep this thread open the last one got closed because everyone was asking about Ken. LOL

If all goes well I should be at the range by 5:00 PM :D


New member
Well I took it out for a spin. 150 rounds without a hiccup. Trigger measures 5 lbs 4 OZs avg of 5 pulls.

It was accurate at the distances I shot today. Nothing too long. 7 & 10 Yards. This is going to be a carry gun not a target pistol. It fit perfectly in my Kramer IWB holster and was a clean draw.

I use 3" Caldwell bulleye peel targets and everything stayed within the 3" target. I shot mainly for function not accuracy. I shot 100 rounds of RWS 230 gr and 50 rounds of Fiocchi 230 gr. All of it was ball ammo. No feeding issues. at 45 ACP defense ammo.


Hopefully I will be able to get to the range again this weekend and keep putting it through its paces.

OK, folks.

Time for a little come to Jeebus message.

Drop the subject.

You can ask all you want, but unless you ask WildAlaska yourself, you're not going to get an answer. You're certainly not going to get one here.

It's none of your damned business why someone isn't here anymore unless that individual PERSONALLY tells you.

And even if that individual tells you, it is NOT for you to repeat that information here.

Interactions between staff and members are a PRIVATE matter between staff and that individual.

Trust me, you do NOT want to bring this subject up again. Doing so will be detrimental to your continuing TFL membership.


New member
Yeah it has a subtle red stripe down the middle. It only shows from some angles when the light hits it just right. :)


New member
Nice looking gun, I see some of fremont best went into that gun. :) C&S is one fine shop does great work and produces some fantastic parts.

Total cost of this build?


New member
With the base gun right about $1200. I have had the CCO for quiet a few years. LOL :D
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New member
I had wildalaska do similar work on a 10 mm delta elite. It turned out great. The guys at wild west guns do some incredable work.

Nice pistol, thanks for sharing.


New member
The guys at wild west guns do some incredable work.

I agree. They are also very reasonable. When I compare the cost of parts+ doing the work myself they really don't cost me much more than the parts. :D

I don't count stuff like refinishing because I cannot do that work on my own. I have always been pleased with their work.