Custom .45 Flintlock - New To Me


New member
Yesterday a new to me custom flintlock was delivered. The rifle has a fine walnut stock, brass furniture, Chambers lock, Davis trigger and Greene Mountain barrel in .45. Into the butt stock is cut a nice wooden patch box. Simple elegance IMO. I understand it is "custom" built. Into the top of the barrel is struck "LANGE." I take it that this is Mike Lange, the custom builder who has a web site -- from the southern Indiana area.

Can anyone fill me in on their experience with these flintlocks. I like the quality of the build. But, I have not shot the rifle as yet.


.02 David


New member


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I don't have any personal experience with Lange guns, but have read many glowing reports of his work. Good luck and a range report is in order.


New member
Mike does good work. I dunno about now but as of a few years ago most of his rifles weren't actually built on any particular style rifle but more on generic appearances. He also does a lot of the iron work himself. He would do an authentic version on request if he could get original dimensions. He built my Hawken off blueprints from an original.


New member
Daughter took the photo capability off to college -- sorry. My cell phone is an old simpleton.

David :)

ps - She certainly is pretty -- the daughter as well as the new flintlock!!


New member
Wow, what a bunch of fun. Just returned from the club/range having put 10 .440 balls thru the new flintlock. I have not previously shot a flintlock - my main BP mainstays are a .50 Browning Mountain Hawken and a .44 Colt/Walker. Well my shots were all on a paper plate at 25 meters. Now I need to work on the sights to get them just right for me. The first couple shots were a little lower than I had expected-- then we moved it up.

This .45 Lancaster is really a delicate rifle. Not much kick by comparison to my .50 Hawken.

Pics when daughter comes home for spring break.

David :)