Cussler's works


New member
I am reading a paperback "Flood Tide" by Clive Cussler and on page 113 paragraph 5 reads,

" She took the .45, twisted around in the seat so she was facing backward, FLIPPED OFF THE SAFETY and COCKED THE HAMMER. He's almost on us, she warned Pitt."

She was holding a good old semi-automatic Colt Pistol.

I really like Cussler's books but he made a fiasco with this one. I don't think he has ever shoot a Colt before.



New member
He may also partaking of the current trend that writers like Clancy seem to have joined. While their name is displayed in large letters on the book, there is another smaller name that seems to be the person actually writing the book. Clancy's paperback series are notorious for this.

Although I have read ALL the Dirk Pitt books and Cussler does screw up the technicalities on occasion. Gotta let it slide sometimes.


New member
He has had several weapon mistakes over the years, but it doesn't take away from the series. Great bunch of books.


New member
Tis a work of fiction written to make a buck for the poor starving author. A little slack might be in order. Cussler does spin a good tale.

Hkmp5sd, boy I sho argee with you on the late Clancy stuff. Written by committee that didn't talk to each other.



New member
I can't see Pitt carrying anything other than a 1911. Aren't we about due for another book?
The one book Cussler mentioned he attached a large grip frame to the old Colt, so it held 12 rounds.


New member
I have read just about all the Cussler books with Dirk Pitt. I started one of the book with the new characters. I didn't like the book.

I am not reading the last book "Atlantis Found". Other than that I read them all.
