Curious ... how much ammo?


New member
I'm sure that this has been asked in the past, but how much ammo do you regularly keep on hand? If it's a large amount ... is it due to SHTF scenarios, the expected increase in prices, or simple convenience? In addition, do you also have reloading materials? When replying, please differentiate between .22 ammunition and everything else.

I currently only have about 250 rounds spread between .380, 9mm, .45 and 12 gauge. That equates to about 50 practice rounds each plus defense loads. I'm pretty sure I'm at the low end of the spectrum on this board.

After viewing the sticky thread under forum use, I just want to clarify that I'm not asking for SHTF scenarios or how much ammunition you need in a zombie attack. I'm just curious about how much ammunition individuals see fit to keep on hand for various reasons. A simple number would be excellent (.22 ammunition separate). I'm trying to gauge the average amount of ammunition that TFL users keep and if I need to elevate or lower what I view as typical.
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New member
Well, my household has tons of ammo just for recreational purposes. Of course we got a good amount of SHTF ammo too. Ever since the prices of 7.62x39mm ammo went up, we don't have nearly as much SHTF ammo as we used to. :D Thank God my dad isn't into reloading or else he would steal my room and use it to store his reloads. :eek:

Big Don

New member
I used to purchase a brick of .22 LR every time it was on sale for $10 or less. Thus, I have a LOT of .22 LR on hand. I purchased .223 and 7.62x39 when it was on sale and still have quite a bit of that on hand. (500+ rds of each.) Same with 12 ga shot shells. I load up on slugs and 00 buck when it's on sale as we shoot both in combat matches. Same for .45 and I do reload that. I really should take inventory and see what I have out there! Thanks for the thread:p
(And with this post, I hit the magic #100! Yeah!!)

chris in va

New member
I like milsurp weapons for this very reason. Ammo is cheap. I've got two spam cans of 54R in my closet from the last gun show.

But for my range handguns I usually keep about 200 rounds on hand for the next session. Definitely no SHTF crap. I'm so tired of hearing that term.


New member
I keep 600 rounds or so divided between two guns on hand because I don't like to have to run out to the store every time. Another 600 of .22.


New member
40-50 for each hunting rifle(~6 rifles)
~200 for the 223 stevens
50 or so for the 44mag/357mag. both used as camp guns
100 or so for the 41mag. carried at all times in the woods
300-500 for the 9mm
and anywhere from 500 to a couple thousand 22lr

im also just starting to reload so i would expect those numbers to double or triple as im shooting alot more now


New member
Well...everything is related in the end.

My stash consists of Rifle Ammunition first, Handgun second and rimfire and Shotgun ammunition last.

5.56mm X 45mm: 1500-2000 rounds of SS109 or M855, 240 rounds of 77 gr HPBT ammo.

7.62mm X 39mm : 2000-2400 rounds of 124 gr FMJ's.

.30 Carbine: 120-300 FMJ's, 120 Soft tips.

9 X 19mm: 500 rounds of 115gr FMJ's, 200 rounds of 147gr Truncated Cone Metal Case, 120-240 rounds of 147 grain Hydra-Shok & Gold Dot rounds.

.45 ACP 100-200 230 gr FMJ's 20-40 Winchester Silver tips or Corbon 165 gr JHP's

MISC calibers 20-50 rounds each.

.22LR usually purchased in whatever "Value-Pack" is available at the time.


New member
300-400 .22, 100-.357, 100-.38, 40-80 22-250, 50-12g, 250-9x18 and about 100-7.62x39. This is current inventory. Pick up whatever I run across a good deal on. I make an extra stop if planning on a day of shooting in the back yard and make sure I have at least 500-600 .22's. Will probably have a lot more 7.62 once I get my AK back from a repair trip. IF it works this time.

10 MickeyMouse

New member
I usually have between 10-15k on hand, keeping in mind that I am feeding 42 calibers. (milsurps are about the quickest way to end up with an ammo supply nightmare)


New member
2-300 for each of the pistols, hunting rifles 50, .22 5or six bricks, and the evil black gun 1-2000. shotgun shells vary as I shoot trap every wed.


New member
I try to keep a minimum of 1k for each semi or full auto gun, or a minimum of 10k for each major caliber (9mm, 5.56, 7.62x39, 308). For revolvers, leverguns, and bolt guns, I try for a minimum of 400-500 each.

44 AMP

I haven't counted lately...

But the last time I did inventory (05), I only had a bit over 26,000 rounds on hand.

I need to get back into reloading.:D


New member
I just ordered 2,500 rounds of PMC 22LR target ammo. That should give you some idea. I keep a good healthy supply of the stuff I shoot.


New member
I keep 300-500 rounds of 9mm and 45 (the ones I take to the range all the time).

About 50-80 rounds for the hunting rifles (.308, 30/30, .30/06, etc). Got a few hundred 7.62x54, because surplus comes in bulk.

Just got my AR, so I'm still building the .223 stockpile. Got about 400 rounds of SHTF-type ammo, about 150 target/plinking.

Got about 200 rounds of .30 carbine.

Got a big pile of shotgun shells, birdshot, buckshot, slugs, in 12 and 20.

A box or so each for the almost-never-shoot-'em guns - the .38, the Carcano, the .25ACP.

And boxes and boxes of .22LR.

The theory? I like to have enough centerfire pistol ammo so I can do two or three range trips without having to stop and buy more. Stuff's expensive and I don't reload, so I buy plenty when it's in stock and cheap at WalMart.

I like to have a couple of boxes on hand for the hunting rifles since I don't live near a place to get it affordable. 17-18 bucks for 20 rounds of 30/30 chaps my butt, so I bought an armload the last time I made it to Gander Mountain.

Mostly, I just want enough that I'm not trapped into paying scalper prices for anything when I want it. I occasionally take newbies out to the range, and like to provide all the ammo and such (the better to hook them and drag them to Our Side :D ).

I have serious "hoarder" tendencies, so I'd love to have more. But we're moving this summer, and if I can't fit it into a (very) few ammo cans, my husband is going to strangle me. :rolleyes: Something about not liking to lug giant, heavy crates around...


Whatever makes you comfortable and you can afford

I think we have to watch Washington now with a jaunticed eye as there are now more anti-gun yokels coming to the front of the liberal media and indeed even planning more anti-gun legislation. The rising cost is also a factor as
using Wolf as an example, used to cost a couple of bucks something a box but is much higher now and often on backorder.

I like to keep enough that I may go hunting or plinking at will without running completely out of ammo. We have been warned to stay from the SHTF so I concur and say only that the FHTS (Fit hits the Shan) isn't likely to occur in our Civilized (partially) Country. We don't elect Shans to office.


New member
You know, I started looking at the supply after noticing this thread and I made some interesting discoveries. I am an avid trapshooter and I reload those AA hulls. I have been loading all winter, and I finally loaded up all my hulls. There is about 3,000 loaded 12ga #7 1/2 shells in the bunker! There is about that much more .223 a couple K .40 couple more K .357 1K .38spl. a couple hundred Match .308. A couple hundred more *chep* .308, several K 9mm, and 25 or so bricks of various .22lr. That about does it. For now.


New member
My meager stash includes:

100 rounds 7.62x54r for my mosin nagant.
200 rounds for my yugo SKS
80 rounds of 9mm for my hi-point carbine
55 no.8 shogunshell for my mossberg 500a
6 rounds of .357 magnum for my taurus 66
200 rounds of .22lr for my 10/22 and marlin 925
40 rounds of .303 for my lee enfield

I shoot about twice a year (fortunately I can shoot the .22's on my own property) so I don't need a whole lot of ammo, but I am getting a membership to a gun range soon, so I'm about to drop about 400 dollars on ammo soon.......


New member
My stash is pretty small

About 300 rounds for the 22mag.

50 .357 and 100 .38 special rounds for the 357 mag

About 50 rounds 7.62x54R for the Mosin Nagant

40 Rounds for the 30-30

About 60 Rounds 7.62x39 for the SKS

About 50 rounds for the 12ga.

I need to start buying more ammo. I could go through most of mine in one day at the range.


New member
I keep somewhere in the range of 10,000 rounds of loaded .45 ACP; 9 or 10 pounds of powder and 5000 to 10,000 primers on hand. I usually take 500 rounds to the range so I just like to have a good inventory available.

Bought a lot of this stuff when a local store changed hands and the selling owner was cleaning out the inventory for 50 percent off.

Mayberry, NC