Cuomo demands response from Bush


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Cuomo Says Bush's Silence Holds Up Talks With Gun Companies

Washington, May 8 aol://4344:30.bloombrg.389091.602536905 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Andrew Cuomo said gun
manufacturers have stopped negotiating with the government to settle a
liability lawsuit because they think Republican candidate George W. Bush
would seek immunity for them if he's elected president.

Cuomo called on Bush to say whether he would seek legislation to bar the
government from suing gun manufacturers.

``It is unacceptable to dodge a clear answer here,'' Cuomo said. ``The stakes
are too high to play politics with this issue.''

Bush wouldn't say last week whether he would support immunity for gun
manufacturers because he hasn't seen specific legislation on the issue, said
Scott McClellan, a campaign spokesman. In Texas, Governor Bush approved
legislation allowing the state attorney general to pursue lawsuits, a
``reasonable and balanced approach,'' McClellan said.

Cuomo's salvo comes as President Bill Clinton is making gun control a
priority for his final year in office. So far, his administration has
persuaded one gun manufacturer, Smith & Wesson, to adopt gun safety standards
to avoid federal and state lawsuits.

Smith & Wesson, a division of London-based Tomkins Plc, agreed to put hidden
serial numbers and locks on its guns in return for being dropped from a HUD
lawsuit against gun manufacturers based on the number of gun crimes in the
agency's public housing projects.

Cuomo, who was joined in a teleconference with Connecticut Attoney General
Richard Blumenthal and Los Angeles City Attorney James Hahn, said the March
settlement shows there can be a workable code of conduct for gun

Glock GmbH and six other gun manufacturers have rejected the code and filed a
suit challenging a plan by the administration and large U.S. cities to favor
weapons-makers that adopt the standards when buying firearms for police.

Bush's stance on gun company liability makes no difference in what the
firearms industry does, said one gun industry group.

``This industry has absolutely no intention in meeting with Mr. Cuomo and his
cronies,'' said Robert Delfay, president of the National Shooting Sports
Foundation. ``They lack credibility and sincerity that we would require in a

Delfay said it was Cuomo who broke off negotiations in late January and then
made agreement with Smith & Wesson.

May/08/2000 14:25 GMT

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!


Staff Emeritus
Excuse me, but who does Secretary Cuomo think he is, to be demanding anything from Governor Bush????



New member
"Excuse me, but who does Secretary Cuomo think he is, to be demanding anything from Governor Bush????"

Lawdog, he's a liberal in an out-of-control liberal administration. As such, he is Royalty. Not King, maybe not a prince, but certainly a duke or something on that level.

Watch this SOB. He's looking for a high office, perhaps New York's US Senator should Hillary run for president.




New member
Speaking of demanding responses from someone and Cuomo. Has anyone seen any response from Cuomo about his bodyguard leaving his personal handgun laying around in Washington D.C.? I thought in DC you couldn't have things like that let alone leave them unattened for "the children" to play with. You know, the one who was 11 years past the mandatory retirement age!

I've been meaning to demand a response from Cuomo but haven't gotten around to it yet. Anyone seen anymore about this "special priviledges for the elite" incident?



New member
Cuomo said. ``The stakes are too high to play politics with this issue.''

Give me a BREAK!!!
Will someone please take this manipulative, lying moron outside and slap some sense into him!


Staff Emeritus
You're right, Dick. I plumb forgot who I was talking about. :D

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Will someone please take this manipulative, lying moron outside and slap some sense into him![/quote]

Hmm. On one paw, the thought of slapping one of the Administrations Golden Boys is absolutely delightful, however, considering what he's full of, can you imagine the consistency and range of the splatter effect?

It's a dirty, disgusting job, but I hereby volunteer for the job of High Slapper of Justice.

:D :D :D

Jim V

New member
I would think that the Clintons had to have made some kind of deal with the Cuomos regarding the First Female Felon's Senate bid. Like "If you step aside this time, we'll back yall big time when she is ready to move on to sumtin' bigger. Or we can have you take a tour of a park here in DC, put you in a Starbucks or even send you on a trade mission to Europe. What's gonna be, Boy?"

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

Munro Williams

New member

I feel your pain, but seriously,
Cuomo's another one of these passive-aggressive psychopaths who think they're entitled to do anything they want at anyone else's expense. There's no "sense" you can knock into him. His mind is too messed up to learn from the school of hard knocks. Him, the overwhelming majority of the Democrats, and all too many Republicans, are crazier than flying feces.

These people need serious therapy and incarceration, and I doubt there are
enough butterfly nets and psychiatric hospital beds.


[This message has been edited by Munro Williams (edited May 08, 2000).]

Covert Mission

New member
``It is unacceptable to dodge a clear answer here,'' Cuomo said. ``The stakes are too high to play politics with this issue.''

I hope Bush plans to ask him about why Cuomo tried to squash the info about his senile bodyguard (on the gov't dole well past retirement age) who leaves his gun lying around unattended in public places. Also why he didn't demand that he be fired/suspended/penalized.

What a supercilious, ignorant, arrogant little putz this guy is. He needs the rug pulled out from under him, and then a good flogging.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Smith & Wesson, a division of London-based Tomkins Plc, agreed to put hidden
serial numbers and locks on its guns in return for being dropped from a HUD
lawsuit against gun manufacturers based on the number of gun crimes in the
agency's public housing projects.[/quote]

SAY WHAT!!!!!!! Ahem, it was quite a bit more than that folks! With one tiny line, while the attention was focused on Cuomo vs Bush, the entire ugly S&W sellout is minimalized into a sentance that is just plain an outright lie! Facts of the matter are it was a whole lot more than hidden serial numbers and locks. I was the Feds extorting an agreement that was unworkable from the get-go, S&W kow-towing in the hope to avoid the heat, then everybody standing by as the Cities involved said, screw you, we gonna sue! Everybody watches the clowns in the center ring, while the pickpockets in the stands ply their trade.


New member


"To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it."


New member
Well there ya go. And I thought the talks had stopped because the Manufacturers just counter sued.
I think Bush's ideal retort would be "I'll make final dispostion of the matter through MY Housing and Urban Development Secretary once I am inaugurated."

Gopher a 45

New member
"Demands" in the same way a four-year-old stamps his foot and demands a cookie?

Sounds like Andrew needs to be put down for a nap...


New member
Cuomo is a buzzing insect. IMHO Bush may want to swat at this gnat but should otherwise ignore it.


New member
Hey ANDY!!!!
You are an UNELECTED mouth piece. If you would spend as much time worrying about the "True Housing" problems in this country and less on the liberal retoric, then maybe you'll amount to something besides being a bigger mouth than your Poppa!

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.


New member
It is unlawful for a Cabinet secretary to become directly involved in a Presidential election.

"Where's the outrage?"


Secretry Andrew Clinton, is realy shooting his mouth off here. HE, not Bush, is the one playing politics.