Crying Eagle

Steve in PA

New member
I typed this once, and am posting it to several of my freguently visited sites.

Hello all,

I just got back from a two-day firearms instructor conference in NJ. I did learn some interesting stuff, however that is not the purpose of this post. I sat down at my computer a little while ago, fired up several of the boards I visit, this of course being one of them, one of the others being a LEO board.

Anyway, one of their threads that caught my attention was "crying eagle". I clicked on it and went to the link, and...well when I saw was a very moving picture for me. I'm posting the link below.. as well as some of my other favorite sites, hope you'll take the time and take a look.


New member
It is a very nice picture, but as mentioned in several other discussion groups it does not reflect properly the feelings of this country right now.

Get rid of the tear and replace it with a snarl. We are not going to sit back and cry about this, we are mad and have our talons out ready to grab hold of and shred our enemy. Someone recommended this picture...


  • now.jpg
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New member
Tears of rage.

(true story)
My Uncle Bob told me about a kid in their old Mt Oliver PA neighborhood back in the 20's that used to ball up his fists and stand there and cry when he got picked on. Everybody that knew the kid headed for cover when they saw him do that cause they knew what was coming next. The kids that didn't know him learned fast enough why the other kids ran away.
I kinda like the picture since that's what it reminds me of.

Jorah Lavin

New member
Some of the ones I thought were strong:


