Cruise line security


New member
Will be leaving on a cruise this weekend from Boston instead of NY harbor which is close untill further notice. The question is gang.....what type of security force is on a cruise line? Are they armed or not? Anybody got information for DAROGUE1? Thanks!


New member
When I went on the QE2, the security seemed. .exceptionally light. Who knows what it's like now. That said, you're probably in little danger. Not much point in hijacking a boat, esp. when they could land 5000 seal teams on it via helicopter.

Master Blaster

New member
You Guys have heard of the Achille Lauro (spelling), Some Ahabs hijacked it back in the late 80's and held passengers hostage??

Can you bring your concealed carry peice?:(


New member
I remember that ship. That was half the reason for the post. I going dang it. I wish I just had a old slabsides or mister Glock with me!! I don't think that mister Emerson(CQC7) can make it with the current situation. Wonder what type of firearms MAY be aboard. If they have skeet maybe a shotgun. Have seen this on some cruise lines. DAROGUE1


New member
Those ships are only geared to handle drunks and keep you from smuggling booze aboard. Neither are very effective.

Nobody is safe when you are dealing with suicidal religious fanatics.

Go and enjoy, and figuratively show them your middle finger.
About the only guns aboard ship are the shotguns for trap shooters. So, bring your extended magazine 870 along with a spare 20" barrel, 00 buck and slugs. ;) I suspect that the ship requires guns to be secured in the ship's armory as opposed to cabins. Been told that there are a lot of unreported rapes on cruise ships.

Perhaps the most dangerous thing to watch for is food poisoning.

Navy joe

New member
You're biggest danger on that boat doesn't need a gun. When that garbage barge decides to burn to the waterline you can bet the panamanian crew won't be holding the first lifeboat for your wife and kids. Recent cruise mishaps show they'll probably already be in it and gone before you know whats up. Better hope the cap'n doesn't run out of Halon, because if he does none of those houseboy heroes is going to charge a hose and go get it. I won't go on a cruise unless I have a bag that I could jump off with and survive for a long time floating.



New member
Not sure of the legality of passengers bringing them, but I have a 12ga signal flare gun on my boat. Hand launch flares as well.
I doubt if you would have any accuracy, but you'd have a projectile. There's no restriction on purchase, so perhaps there's no restriction on taking one onboard.

Might be tough to find a good IWB for it though:cool:


New member
I think security is gonna' be beefed up everywhere someone can enter or leave the states...It'd be too easy to gain access to these ships...