

New member
Hi everyone,
i really dont know is it right place on this forum to post a question.
Is the matter of act i have a problem with the crows. They(especially on autumns)gather in huge numbers, in the park near my house, making such mess in my backyard, noises and even chase people from above. One morning i woke up, finding my garden absolutely destroyed. Box from where some singing birds eats, i find turned over with the food all over the lawn. Also theys droppings make them stained, like in war zone or something. Different story is when acorns develop on neareby oak, a man just cant stand that noise. And im little bit tired of chasing them away.
I´d use my .22 rifle, but since im living in the center of the city, i dont think thats a good idea.
Anyone have some idea, advice or some technique how to get rid of these little bas*ards?



New member
I have one, but as i said im little bit concerned about injuring someone(because some 20 meters on the slope under my house is building with offices). Also, seem to me that crows have air-gun proof feathers. Not that ididnt try it.


New member
Rat Trap ???

Here is a possible solution for you that I have used on other large nuisance birds. It might work on your pests even though yours are larger. Once you knock off a few, the rest will go away. Trap them by using about four rat traps. That's what I said, rat-traps with bait. One possible problems is that you might trap other birds. I take the rat trap drill a hole in the middle. Then camo paint it and stake it out in the garden. I use some of those large aluminum nails that are used to anchor gutters to your house. As for bate, use something that you think they and only they will like. I have used whole peanuts, chunks of bread and old popcorn. On crows, try some red meat. Position it so the bird has to peck at the trigger that springs the trap. ... :rolleyes:

I then Trap, Shovel and Shut-up. .... ;)

Be Safe !!!


New member
Yes Pahoo, it would be a good try. As long as there are some (estimated)population of 20.000 crows and co. above Sarajevo, noone would miss ´em. And if i catch s magpie, jackdaws it would be okay. It wouldnt be if i catch titmouse for example, or raven. Nevertheless ravens are not so common(if at all) to city and suburbia. There are plenty of skunks around and alike such are martens and weasels, so is there any chance to chatch those instead?


New member
By gobs, you do have a big problem !!!

I'd suspect that Bosnian crows are tougher than American crows but if they are not smarter, no problem. Crows live in tight family units and are very protective of each other. If there nests get raided or they lose numbers in there families, they will move out of an area. They can be that smart. As far as Ravens, these traps will not touch them. Really not sure how you would handle the rest but sure sounds futile. ..... :(

I do know that, in the past, rat traps have worked well for me on larger native birds. ..... :)

Good luck and;
Be Safe !!!


New member
As for local authorities, they just dont care about crows and theirs control of the population(like it was before). They are true pests not only to people, but to other animals, as for wild pigeons that nests in the city, squerls, some titmouse thrushs, woodpecker´s offspring, etc. As i said true pest. Hunters that i know doesnt hesitate,(when loaded with birs shots)to shot one or several in the huntiing yards around Sarajevo, but they are in absence where hunters are frequently around. From time to time, very rarely red hawks takes one, or some of them, but scene thats more ofted viewed is that crows harrasing and even attacking hawks. The only thing the are in fear of is the falcon, but theirs effect on pupulation is, id say, moere modest.

Also my oppinion is that those mates from society for protecting animals have theirs fingers in all of this mess. They have forbiden ferel dogs to be eutanized, now we have those dogs attacking on school childern, older peopl, even people in cars.

No, dont think that they are smarter than American ones. I would really like to know how people from Texas deals with them on corn fields?
As for desises they carry, thats a different topic allready...


I will start this by saying I know absolutely NOTHING about the legalities of shooting crows with an airgun or discharging an airgun in your area. I'm going to answer based on what I know about crows and airguns but what I say shouldn't be considered to be advocating anything that's illegal where you live. It's up to you to verify what's legal and what's not.

A decent airgun should work at reasonable ranges. Something in 5mm (.20caliber) or .22caliber is probably a little better than .177 for crows. I've had good luck with a .20 cal shooting about 800fps.

You'll get 1, maybe 2 and then they'll leave. They might come back later, but it won't take long for them to learn that your area is dangerous and avoid it.

Conventional airguns using conventional pellets are generally safe, even in populated areas, if they are fired upwards at a fairly steep angle. Airgun pellets are very poor projectiles and are very light for their caliber since they are more or less hollow for much of their length. Therefore, after approximately 400 yards of travel they don't have enough energy to be considered dangerous and will have very low terminal velocity when they descend--although I wouldn't like to get hit in the eye with one even under those circumstances, I suppose. If you aim at shallow angles then there is a real risk of having a pellet miss and either damage something or injure someone downrange.

NONE of that applies to the very powerful pre-charged pneumatic airguns, especially when used with solid, bullet-like projectiles instead of conventional/traditional diabolo style pellets. They should be treated more like handguns or black-powder rifles in terms of how dangerous the projectiles will be downrange.


New member
Get a good cat and let nature's food chain do the rest. Three or four cats would let them know your yard isn't a good place to light & set.

It would be better than opening yourself to any legal problems from using an air rifle or other firearm in a populated area.


Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Probably the best is a shotgun. Crows are smart enough to quit coming around any area where people shoot at them more than just one or two times. Even if you miss, they soon quit returning.


New member
Sir Eatman, it would be a good idea if i would live in some village around the city, as as long as i live in the straight center of the city, it is serious felony and i can be charged for using fire arms in populated area. In criminal law that article is known as "Violance to common security". As you Jack said it would be good to give a try to diabolos fired from airgun, but only in the case if the are already on the ground, to make that hit safe-if i miss then it will just went to the soil.
As for the cat, i already have one. And guess what. Say that cat is laying under crepe myrtel tree, magpie is gonna stay on the highest branches and make loudy noises untill cat finnaly have enough and move away.
I think that im gonna try several techniques. Ill explain some of them later.


New member
An owl statue will get them after it so place one in an area that is open, crows will attack it then you do what you do best :) after you hit a few they will leave and never return.

My bud can caw crows in to our spot then we open up on em, he eats them.


New member
Crows are smart and difficult to get a clear shot on.
We used to lay in wait just to kill one with a .22 rifle or magnum air rifle, then hang the dead crow upside down from his feet so that his wings will spread open. The other crows will go crazy for awhile then leave.
When that crow decays and falls from the tree, start all over again.
This is what my father taught me and it worked to keep the crows from our vegetable garden when I was growing up.
He made it my job to kill that crow.
Bait the crows

Then shoot them with a high power air rifle. Place chunks of meat on the ground where you can get a good clear shot at the birds. Then hang out where they can't see you, read a book and wait. If the bird lands near the bait, nail the thing.

When I was a kid growing up on a diary farm, the crows and magpies would eat grain from the feed bunks. In the summer, I would get my work done, then take my BB gun, hide in the shed and when the birds came in shoot them. Worked great on mag pies. Crows, not good at all. :D

Shooting them on the ground should eliminate the chance of hitting something you don't want to hit. An air rifle should be quiet enough to keep from landing in jail or getting fined.

Have you talked to your neighbors? Maybe they would be glad to have these things killed.


New member
When their losses are high enough, they will leave for good

An owl statue will get them after it so place one in an area that is open, crows will attack it then you do what you do best after you hit a few they will leave and never return.
I have used owl decoys before and run a line from the base of the mount, to each ear. Then I atttach a small sharp trebble hook to the end of each line, just above each ear. When a crow comes in and gets snagged up, all "heck" brakes loose and the rest of the crows think that one of their buddies is in a real fight. There have been times when I cannot shoot fast enough. After a time, they may fly away and you think they are gone. I then give a distressed call and back they come for more. ..... ;)

Whether hunting alone or with buddies, crow shooting is great fun. .... :)

Be Safe !!!

Prof Young

New member

Check out the Crowbusters web site. They are all about doing in the black devils. There used to be plans for a simple to build crow trap on their web site.

Live well, be safe
Prof Young


New member
I'd consider trapping or shooting one somewhere else, then hanging it from a tree. They seem to get the message.

Aluminum pie tins hung from strings tend to keep crows and other pests away from gardens, but I don't know whether it will keep them out of trees.


New member
We used to take a treble hook and tie it off to a 2x4 then add corn to the hook and leave it there by the garden. Crows and other varmints take the bait then cant get away due to the 2x4 but about 5 years ago a gal got all upset over thsi so I dont do it now. but it does work.