Crossroads Gunshow in California


New member
I've been missing my firearms in Arizona, when I note with some interest that there's a Crossroads of the West Gunshow in Del Mar next weekend. I really like the Crossroads of the West shows in Phoenix (the only other one I've been to). However, it's California. Is it worth the 30 minute drive and the $10 admission fee to go to a gunshow in California?

Walter Sobchak

New member
NO :eek:

I only go to the Del Mar show for primers, brushes, etc. The only good crossroads show in So Cal is at the Orange County fair grounds in Costa Mesa.

Still, the guns are over priced and there aren't too may there. Now, if you want beanie babies and other swap meet carp, come on down!

Seriously, when I went to the Garand collectors convention in Reno last summer I saw what a real gun show was. Namely…GUNS!

BTW regardless of what I said….I’ll still be there next weekend :D


New member
Walter - Welcome to TFL. I am from Redondo Beach, and this is the best gun board on the net IMHO. Insofar as the Crossroads of the West Gun Show goes, the Costa Mesa show at the OC Fairgrounds is fairly good. Just remember, folks, ALL CA gun laws apply. ALL firearms sales, trades, and transfers MUST be done through a transfer dealer located at the show. This includes transactions between two show attendees who may have come to buy or sell a firearm. In fact, now, the show promoters must post this fact prominently where attendees can read it... like at eye level on the wall above each urinal in the men's room! That's new and effective! The state authorities are not content to simply inform you that your 2nd Amendment rights have been "abridged," but want to give you stricture as well (unless, of course, you've swilled one of those incredibly over priced beers from the snack stand).


New member
never been to del mar..i hear its ok...but now the costa mesa(OC fair grounds) show is growing...i hope they are attempting to replace the pomona show with this one.

last one i went to month or two ago was good...pallets of ammo for great prices imho. and some other nice stuff...but like all shows lots of trinkets and nicknacks also.


New member
I also only go to Del Mar for reloading supplies and various
accessories. Miwall Ammo Co. usually has good prices
on reloading supplies. Stock up now before the
5 cents-per-primer tax! :rolleyes:

It's $8 plus $5 or $6 to park. You can
get $1 off coupons at Big 5 stores or the Crossroads

Use to be a much better show a few years back
but there are way fewer firearms for sale these days,
especially handguns. :(


New member
Fortunately, I'm only in California a few more months, then heading back to Arizona for schooling.

I don't reload, and don't really need more accessories for my guns.

I shouldn't even really spend money, but if I saw a nice AR-15 upper or a Remington 870 that looked nice, I would spring for it... but then, what about all the fees and taxes? Is there a waiting period at gunshows?


New member
well i go just to see whats new in the beanie baby market!
buwahaha! just kidding cause i really go for the jerky NOT!
what i REALLY go for is the 6 dollar burgers dohhhhhh i mean i really go just watch the ATF guys try and look inconspicuous!!

and to think i used to go and buy guns............


New member
As mentioned earlier, all the same laws apply whether you
buy at a gun show or at a gun shop. There is no gun show

10 day wait on all firearm purchases, private party sales
must go thru an FFL. Background check fee is around $20
or so (been a while since I've bought anything). Sales
tax is 7.75%. Need a BFSC (Basic Firearms Safety Certificate)
to buy a handgun. You can get one at the show by watching
a video, taking a short written test and paying $20 or so.
Starting in 2003, the requirements become more involved.

Some ideas for good gun deals - check Turners website for
sales. They post sale items every Tuesday, I believe. Sometimes they have some good deals.
Or find an FFL willing to order or receive guns for you for a
reasonable fee. If you buy from an out-of-state FFL, there
is no sales tax. I got an Encore rifle about $100 less than
I could find here that way. Importing handguns is more
problematic due to all the SB23 safety testing BS.