Critical Bullet Speed


New member
Hello again! :)

I would like to know if there are any references regarding the critical speed that a bullet (of the major calibers) should be travelling to be able to PIERCE an adult human's skin. It goes withot saying that the speed/momentum beyond this value is meant for the penetration/expansion (for JHP's) of the slug. Also, is there a way to confirm if a FMJ bullet that over-penetrates the intended target still has enough juice in it to injure another person.

Thanks for your replies...



New member
Only thing I know about that is that 300 fps is regarded as the bottom end of potentialy fatal velocity.

Piercing the skin is subject to an awful lot of variables, and is the realm of scientific ballistic analysis, something I don't know a whole lot about.


New member
A book I continuously forget to bring home from work contains that info.

I am going by memory here, but I recall (from this book) the U.S. Military deems 64FPE enough "umph" from a 9mm to cause a fatality.

On a personal note, I would suspect far less would be required to produce a fatality.

A one ounce sling stone travels at around 190 FPE and delivers 36 pounds of energy.
Tens of thousands (if not more) have fallen to such slingstones.

If the figure I listed is accurate, it could be taking into consideration the target being a BDU-clad torso.

Eric Larsen

New member
I was shot with a red ryder BB gun when I was a broke the skin and drove the DR's nuts. The BB moved around and I
ended up having major scars..because they had to chase it around my insides.....weird but true..
A BB will break the skin....dont know about the fatality aspect...
Shoot well