Criminals' Right to Enjoy a Safe Working Environment


New member
Only slightly tongue-in-cheek. By the way, the group "People Who Care About Kids" is a real group out of Michigan...I don't have their URL off hand, but someone here might...


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June 6, 2001

Michigan Appeals Court Upholds Criminals' Right to Enjoy a Safe Working Environment

by Kyle Lohmeier
Bureau Chief of the Houston Review's Michigan Office

In a ruling cheered by muggers, rapists and car-jackers
statewide, the Michigan Court of Appeals has ruled that the
state’s recently-passed right-to-carry law is subject to the
referendum brought by a group of professional anti-gun
activists called "People Who Care About Kids." The ruling has blocked implementation of the law, which was to take effect on July 1, and has made the workplace safer for countless violent criminal predators.

"Damn man, I thought I was gonna be havin’ to git me a real
job!" exclaimed D-Bone, who spends his off-evenings in a
shadowy alleyway in Detroit’s northwest side, jacking cars with his "borrowed" Lorcin Arms 9mm which has had its serial
numbers ground off. "I mean, howze I gonna know which car
to be jacking if anyone can have a gun? I like it the way it is now, when just me and the po-po got da gats, and the po-po don’t never come around here."

The months between Governor John Engler’s signing of the
bill into law and the ruling of the appellate court were sweaty ones indeed for the city’s population of criminal predators. "****, pepper-spray’s one thing, I just laugh at that. Put it on my tacos and ****, but a .38? Now that's scary," said Jimmy B., a twice-convicted rapist who was recently released from Jackson State Prison to make room for a 17-year-old marijuana dealer.

"Hell, I was kinda dreading my parole hearing when I heard
about the new law, but, now that that one group, what’s it
called, People What Care For Criminals or something, came
along, I couldn’t wait to get out and get back to doing what I do best." Jimmy added, just before wriggling underneath a
Pontiac Sunfire in a dimly-lit parking lot on the city’s east side, a recently and illegally-purchased .25 caliber pistol in hand.

The very livelihood of people like D-Bone, and the hobbies of rapists like Jimmy B, would have been directly threatened by the law’s passage as average, law-abiding citizens would have been granted permission to carry a handgun outside their homes. At present, individual county gun boards are free to award concealed weapons permits to their friends and political allies, and deny them to anyone else who dares to ask.

"Even though only 692 kids nationwide died from gunshot
wounds during 1996 (the last year National Safety Council
statistics are complete for), and of those, only 138 were
accidents, we still believe denying law-abiding citizens their natural right to self-defense will further lower those numbers," said Sally Git, Executive Director of People Who Care About Kids. "Of course, there will be a trade-off in terms of adults who become victims of criminal predation, but they don’t make for good copy."

Although in 1996, car accidents, falls, liquid poison, solid
poison, drowning, fires and choking all caused at least twice as many and as much as 38 times as many accidental deaths among all people, kids included, Git said People Who Care About Kids has no plans to deal with those issues.

"We remain committed to combating the third-to-last leading
cause of death among children, next to poison gas and ‘other’ on the National Safety Council’s annual reports," Git insisted. "We understand that almost 20,000 people were murdered in 1996, and 96,250 people were raped, and over half a million robbed, but did you know that 1,134 people were killed in firearm accidents that same year, and 138 of those were kids under 14? Clearly, we have our priorities in order, if only these whacko pro-gun groups would get theirs straight."

Wayne County Prosecutor, Mike Duggan, agreed, stating that
not only protecting kids, but also ensuring criminals a safe
working environment remains a high priority for his office.

"Obviously, we must protect the children," Duggan said.
"But, let’s not forget the criminals, many of whom are under 18 and kids themselves. People naturally fear murderers, muggers and rapists, but I see more of those guys in one day than most people see their whole lives. They’re not that bad once you get to know them, and I don’t think empowering average people to fend them off with a gun is in the best interest of Detroit’s ample criminal population. Besides, don’t we do enough for the law-abiding? I mean, they get to vote; convicted criminals can’t even do that!"

Two pro-CCW organizations within the state have appealed
the Appellate Court’s decision to the state’s supreme court. The high court is expected to issue an opinion on the referendum later this month. At issue is whether or not the bill is subject to a referendum since it contains appropriations for the department of state police. If the high court overturns the Appellate Court’s decision, Michigan will become the 33rd state to adopt shall-issue laws concerning concealed pistol licenses.

Jim V

New member
The only one they missed in the article is our State's Attorney General Jennifer Ganholm. Jennifer was/is on the disarm the honest citizen side of the equation.

[Edited by Jim V on 06-07-2001 at 05:44 PM]


New member
Actually, I have often thought that crime is the excuse that those who defend themselves in the U.K. should use. I mean to claim that they are criminals. The person they (the one who defended themselves) were going to rob is the now injured/dead (real) criminal. At least they would get a lighter sentence.