crazy dealings with registration of guns or other laws?


New member
Just wondering if anyone has had any crazy dealings with registration of guns or other laws?

I was in the Amry stationed at Ft. Monmouth, NJ. I had to register my guns, (Sig 229-40S&W, Sig 239- 9mm, Remington 870 - 12 gauge, and a Remington 700 - 270, on post to have them in base housing. I went to the provost marshall's office to get the paperwork. I was told by the senior civilian in the office that I had to fill out the paperwork and have my compander check the serial numbers on my gun and sign the paperwork. I asked how do I have him check the serial numbers if I don't have permits to bring them on the base. He had no answer for it. I spent 30 minutes going back and forth with this guy. He basically wanted me to bring them on base with out the permits and hope that the guys at the gate didn't stop me. Now this is August 2002, so less than a year after Septmeber 11th and we had National Guard weekend worriors, (no offense) at the gates with guns. Last thing I wanted to do was bring all my guns on base and hope they didn't stop me.

I ended up talking to the commander of the National Guard unit who I knew and he worked it out for me. What a pain that was.

Any other crazy laws/regulations that you have delt with. I had to move this over here. Sorry new member just figuring out how the forum here works