Cracked LCP frame?


New member
So, after CC'ing a full size 1911 for a few years, Ive come across a couple occasions where I found it difficult to not become exposed. For this reason, I went out and bought a brand new LCP.

Inspection at the time of purchase looked good, but as I got home and fondled my new gun for the next 30 minutes, I noticed what looks like a small crack in the frame. Is this something I should be alarmed of? Pretty disheartening to send a gun in for repairs with 0 rounds down the pipe. Such is my punishment for displeasing the god Browning.



New member
It looks like a crack, from what can be seen from a picture.
If in fact it is a cracked frame, it'll have to go back to Ruger. That ain't something you can ignore.



New member
Hm. What a sad thing to happen on the first polymer type framed handgun I purchase in my life. Too bad my bersa wont fit in my pockets.


New member
In your picture it looks like a crack. It could be a deep scratch but even if that is the case I wouldn't ignore it.

Take it back to where you bought it from or call Ruger's customer service number. They will take care of it without question.

I know it sucks, but the LCP is overall a pretty well made gun. As a small carry piece it works very well and if I'm not carrying my 1911, I've usually got the LCP with me. Try not to get down on it although I know it's hard not to do at a time like this.


New member
Why not go with a Sig P238 for easy carry, its all steel and SAO, or if you arent a 380 fan, maybe look at one of the 3in Kimbers?


New member
+1 on store first. If the gun is unfired they should take it back and give you a new one.
If not I would not do business with them again. They sold a new defective gun. They should take care of it.

Spats McGee

It does look like a crack. Head back to the store and if they won't make it right, off to Ruger with it. Don't ignore it. I'm not an engineer (not even close), but that looks like a spot that could come under considerable stress.


New member
It isn't a crack unless it is open.

It looks like a typical molding marking to me. Each half of the frame is molded separately, then they're put together while still super hot and the melt together in the middle.

That is just how plastic things are produced.

Don't worry about it unless it opens into a crack.

Go and shoot it. I'm sure you'll find it is nothing to worry about.


New member
Back to where you purchased the gun for a refund or replacement. If they don't take it back, I'd send it to Ruger. Let us know what happens.


New member
Disagree with this post.
"It looks like a typical molding marking to me. Each half of the frame is molded separately, then they're put together while still super hot and the melt together in the middle.

That is just how plastic things are produced."

The longitudinal line in the center is the mold parting line, so the part can be removed without damaging the mold or the part. The crack is near the rear into the hole for the pin.
Absolutely a reason for concern. Get it replaced.


New member
I agree, it looks like a crack. Might have been caused by the pin going in.

Hate to say it, but it looks something like what Taurus had going on with their early polymer .45's.


New member

He is not talking about the center of the halfs but just above the pin. I also believe it to be a crack, and I did have a Taurus pt145 and had to send it back because the back section of the frame cracked.


New member
Smee78, go back and reread opinated's post. He was quoting, then refuting Smaug's erroneous observation that the OP thought the center line was the crack.