Cracked Glock Slide

Amin Parker

New member
Hi all,

I just came from the indoor shooting range, went for a practice with the team for next weekends 2 day shoot. We all very excited.

My teammate showed me that he discovered this afternoon that he had a crack in his slide. I looked at it and its hideous. Its right under the election port on the right side of the slide. He is now sending his pistol back to Glock.

Its a model 34 but i have seen .17s, my friend told me he has seen a 17l split in the same place.

Has anyone else seen this type of crack?


New member
You gotta stop using those slides as hammers. Forget about what you see on the net about Glock torture test.

Just kidding. Can you post pics of the crack?


New member
Please post some pics!
That sucks, especially since I remember you telling me how much a Glock costs you over there. I'm interested to see how this turns out.


New member
i saw a slight sliver looking of a crack in about the same area on a brand new, still on display glock in a gun store. I guess maybe this is something common on glocks.


New member
The Glock 34 and 17L have very thin slides in order to keep the mass as low as possible. At one time I drank the Glock kool-aid but eventually grew out of that phase. In my experience, Glock "Perfection" is like Obamas "change".

Amin Parker

New member
I did not want to take a pic yesterday as the owner of the pistol was almost in tears. Remember that to replace a slide, barrel or frame we could wait up to 2 years for the authorities to issue a licence for that part alone.

This means that that gun will be out of action for that amount of time. It is actually quicker to send it to Glock and have them replace the broken part and send it back with the same serial number.

I will see him early next week and if he feels better i will snap a few pics. Im sure it will help all of us.

When something like this happens it a tragedy because your gun is out of action. You guys are lucky over there, you can just run to a convenience store and buy an AR LOL.
Ha you wish it were that easy, we have retarded laws to deal with also.

I saw a 34, the first centerfire handgun I've ever shot, with a crack in a similar area. I attribute general maintinance, recoil springs need to be changed.

I also agree that Glock perfection is BS. If a glock were perfect it would look like a 1911 or 1903, be thin, have NP3, have adjustable target sights, hold 20rnds of 9mm in the 1903 frame :rolleyes: and lastly... it should actually be profiting Americans.

Amin Parker

New member
Our second biggest competition for the year is next weekend and he is a brilliant shooter.

Im not bashing the Glock, i just thought you guys might find it interesting.


Bashing? Reporting what has happened isn't bashing. Besides every gun model has specimens that have suffered fractured slides. It doesn't become an issue until it is proved to be a manufacturing or design defect. With millions of Glocks serving their owners well a few with fractured slides is to be expected. Especially with folks shooting reloads and at competitive volume.

Amin Parker

New member
True. An Sti popped 2 weeks ago, iv seen them all let go. I have a slide of a Browning High Power that cracked right on the extracter tunnel.

Granted, all of the pistols i have seen let go have had an unfair amount of mileage through them. Said Glock has had just under 80k rounds through it, that is a lot of shooting.

To be honest, the only pistol that i have never seen have a major component failure is a cz 75 and a Smith 686. Im not saying its not possible, they just really earned the respect they have from this shooter.

Competitive shooting should be the proof ground for torture tests.


Agreed however what percentage of firearms that get high volume actually fracture in this way?

Could still be an anomaly.

Walt Sherrill

New member
Remember that to replace a slide, barrel or frame we could wait up to 2 years for the authorities to issue a licence for that part alone.

Wow. What country is that?

In the US, a slide, even with barrel and all parts attached, is not considered a firearm. Only the frame is a firearm.

Around here (Eastern US), that repair/exchange would be a couple of weeks, at most.

Amin Parker

New member
I live in South Africa,

That is the reason we competitive guys usually own more than one example of our favourite pistol. We also try and choose wisely and get it right first time.

3 High Powers, 3 cz 75s ( one a compact) and 4 1911s for sport shooting only. If one lets go, we use the next while we wait for a replacement.

With all these laws and challenges, we have a very strong and large shooting community.

Our motto is ' have ammo, must shoot'