Crabby brass... anneal help, or bad alloy ???

I'd read some bad reviews of Hornady 460 S&W cases, with case mouths splitting... I needed cases for my 45 BPM, & thought, well... these will be much lower pressures...

last night I loaded a dozen cases with 4 different powders to try, & split 2 case mouths just belling them... I can't complain & send them back, as I've knurled the head stamps off, since they are now 45 BPM, not 460 S&W ( cases are used full size, no other modifications were made to the brass )

do you think the brass was work hardened too much drawing out the long case, & annealing the mouths ( before belling the rest ) would help, or is it likely bad alloying in these maximum production days, & I won't see an improvement ???

at the very least I'm disappointed, when you consider the working pressures of the 460, & I'm cracking them just doing enough bell to get a cast bullet to slide in without shaving lead...

thoughts ???


New member
They probably just forgot to anneal the case necks . Just anneal the necks [never anneal the lower part of the case ]. One of the easiest ways is to line up the cases in a tray filled with water up near the neck. Use a propane torch to heat the case to glowing red , immediately push the case over into the water to cool.
I did anneal the balance of my cases in a 9"X 12" cake pan, half full of water, heated the case mouths for 15 seconds, then tipped them over in the water... got that familiar color ring...


New member
I have had nuttin' but problems with Hornady .460 brass. While not with the necks, even new brass only lasts two or three legitimate loadings without case head separation becoming a concern. This with less than max loads, while Starline brass just keeps going and going.
at the time, Starline wasn't available to me... so I hoped the 1/3 pressure 45 black powder magnum would hold up in the Hornady cases... but I was not impressed with case mouths cracking on the very 1st loading... ( my bullets are .452" so I wasn't over mouthing them )

most of my 1st trials wouldn't even need to be resized... only the Trailboss loads pushed out at the web, & I'm going to try 1/2 a grain less, & see how accuracy goes...

shame on Hornady for using such crabby brass on a 60,000 PSI cartridge...


New member
They probably just forgot to anneal the case necks . Just anneal the necks [never anneal the lower part of the case ]. One of the easiest ways is to line up the cases in a tray filled with water up near the neck. Use a propane torch to heat the case to glowing red , immediately push the case over into the water to cool.

Glowing red may not be too hot, it is too hot!