CQT with Mike Brown at USSA.


New member
I just took the CQT class at United States Shooting Academy, It is taught by Mike Brown and Brandon Bennett, They did a unbelievable job!!!!!!!

The class was a HUGE eye opener for me.. I’ve heard a lot about Force on Force training and how important it is. I can tell you with out a doubt that this course is the one to take.

The class was run like a well oiled machine! We were in constant training and we did it in blocks one building on the other and then a “practical” test of the blocks…

With out going in to detail the class is Very Physical!!!! Keep that in mind whey you sign up… But the instructors will help you in every way they can and give you very “winnable” situations if you do what you have learned.

One of the big things for me was the “Stress Inoculation” John Farnam talk’s a lot about this as does Col, Grossman. It is real, the first “test” I did I could not hardly breath after it!!!!!! And with each “test” the breathing became easier and my mind could “think” instead of panic…and this to me is Huge..

I cant recommend this class enough!!! I know I’ll be going back.

You can look it up here. www.usshootingacademy.com class CQT 240.


New member

This course is "the stuff" I cant wait to take it agin..

Hey, FYI, your in the same shooting squad as Im in at the Tactical Conferace at USSA,
I'll see you there..