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New member
I'm a newbie to this forum. I've lurked for a couple of months to learn from the experiences of others.

I've picked up a lot of good info and believe this forum has a lot of very good people on it.

However, I've also noted some very un-diplomatic remarks when someone disagrees with another. How about saying "I disagree with that" instead of "That's absurd"? OR; "Are you certain of that?" instead of "You, sir, or wrong."

If someone says something which you know is incorrect wouldn't it be better to gently inform them instead of committing what is known in the engineering field as "technical arrogance"? Perhaps say, "It's my understanding that...etc., etc."

Kindness and courtesy go a long, long way.



New member
Civility is, unfortunately, lacking if a good part of the country these days. You see it in the press, in the behavior of public officials, in television and broadcast media, etc. It's largely a sad commentary on what's going on in the country.

Uncle Buck

New member
Good Point. I wonder how many new people quit reading the forum after joining and asking a question and get a rude reply?

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
The moderators work very hard as volunteers to keep this forum civil. We discuss among ourselves and use our best judgement. Look at some of the controversial threads that we have keep along a quality and literate path.

We might miss something and we also get cursed for our work. Esp. when we shut down what someone thinks is a righteous rant. Blah, Blah.

Woe is me! :eek:

So, here's the deal - each post has a report icon - that triangle dohickey with a red line in it. If you find a post offensive - hit it and we will look.

If you compare us to other gun fora - you might see that we are a tea party as compared to the others.

Here's a heuristic , if you want to say something - pretend you are not anonymous under your nickname and the recipient is standing a couple of feet from you.

So, that's it - nothing more to be said. Also, this is not a tactics issue.
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