Courtesy On The Forum

Harry Bonar

New member
I guess I got a nerve touched. We, the way I look at it, are all "brothers" here on the forum. We ought not always, "be out to get someone, or someones posts or ideas" - we ought to be here to exchange ideas, yes, sometimes incorrect, but our best ideas. Yea, we'll all make mistakes, but there is no reason to get on someones back - I don't like it!
I try to be as courteous as possible, I expect the same - and 99% of the time we all do a great job, I like every member - but it can get me personally a bit riled when I feel someone is on my back. I live at Veto, Ohio and everybody knows me and where I live and the kind of difference of opinion I appreciate is a face to face meeting.
Now, I'll be the first to, now, apologize if I've been out of line if I've offended anyone, personally if need be - but if I get the feeling like someone wants a piece of me that's different.
I guess I need to apologize, now, for getting a bit riled - I apologize!
Harry B.:)

Don P

New member

What happened to bring this about. I seem to be behind the 8 ball on this:confused: But I do agree with you.

Harry Bonar

New member

Thanks for the reply - things are settled as far as I'm concerned (I shouldn't let things bother me) - the man who it's about knows who he is - I'm sorry I got riled - I've got a very short fuse - I probably was wrong about the whole thing --- I apologize.
Harry B.


New member
Better to vent and apologize here, than on the street with violence.
Also better than allowing a rift, real or imagined, from escalating.
Bravo, sir.


New member
Harry I havent had the pleasure of dealing with you on a personal issue but I have seen some of your post and consider you to be a asset to this board so keep your thoughts coming.

Harry Bonar

New member
Thanks Guys!

I apologize for the short temper - this happens once in a blue moon - I'm sorry for losing it momentarily.
Everythings O.K. now - I apologize.
Harry B.;)


New member
Harry Sir! We all have good days and bad, i try to keep my mouth shut on thoes bad days,or just plain tuckered out, and sometimes words wrote sound harsher than if we were talking one on one. I hear ya and from what i have seen in your posts is a great way to deal with people, i always enjoy reading yours! Sir you have a great day and enjoy the holidays! Steve


New member
You know, it's hard to get across exactly what you're trying to say--and especially in context--with just words on a screen. When you're having a bad day, are tired, or are just a little thin-skinned on certain issues (as we all are from time to time), it IS easy to "lose it" from time to time.

It's a whole new world on this internet thing.



New member
You know, it's hard to get across exactly what you're trying to say--and especially in context--with just words on a screen.

Ain't that the truth! I think I've offended a couple of times merely by forgetting to add a smiley face to a snide comment. Thread gets closed and maybe someone doesn't like me anymore.... well, more likely.... just likes me even less.:D

In any case, always considering that it's far more difficult to convey emotion with the written word is something I try to remind myself of frequently. That and don't take any of this too seriously. Life is hard enough without voluntarily submitting ones self to more grief here.:)

The Tourist

Harry, I hope you feel better. It appears that something is bothering you, and I won't belittle the way you feel. No man knows the nature of another man's heart.

Having said that, I read your stuff. Frankly, my posts, feelings and relationships with several TFL members is a lot more toxic than yours. In fact, I cannot even think of one comment you have made that sticks out in my mind as over-the-top.

A properly run forum is an exchange of ideas. In that vein, you reacted to something--something that must have been very important to you.

Any guy here whose posts are worth reading (and worthy of a response) feels and writes that way.

Harry Bonar

New member

I really do apologize - I think I was wrong anyway! I'm really sorry - I love you all - everybody have a great Christmas.
Harry B.


New member
You know, it's hard to get across exactly what you're trying to say--and especially in context--with just words on a screen.

That is so true. People don't always interpret what you say to mean what you said. Harry,I know I've ticked some people off here but for the life of me I can't recall anywhere you said anything to get somebody's knickers in a knot.


New member
I am an ******* in real life too . With that being said i do try and be polite online , but occationaly i look away and the snark comes out .


New member

I cruise through here daily. Each of you have treated me kindly and with respect. For that I say thanks. Each of us have opinions:eek: Each of us have knowledge:) each of us have sensitivity:eek:
My visits are to learn, and visit with your thoughts. Thanks to all.
Harry: Sir; if it were me that insulted; your thoughts would embarrass me to no end. Sir; you would be owed a most humiliated apology for my indiscretions.