Court rules against Robert Stewart


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[/quote]***************************************** SPECIAL REPORT


Says Kit is a Firearm
by Angel Shamaya
Executive Director,

July 13, 2000
Phoenix, Arizona


After less than half an hour of arguments from both sides,
U.S. Judge Lawrence O. Andersen ruled that Bob Stewart's
Maadi-Griffin .50 Caliber Kit is a firearm, stating that
"the preponderance of evidence shows that the kit can readily
be made to fire a projectile." His ruling was largely based
on U.S. vs. Smith, a case in which a non-firing machine gun
was restored to a fully operational automatic weapon through
welding and machining into an operational automatic firearm
--in 8 hours.

"The .50 caliber 'Mardi Gras' rifle is a rifle," said Judge
Andersen. He ordered Bob Stewart not to sell or possess the
'rifle' he's been manufacturing and selling for several years,
stripping the Stewart family of their source of income and
putting smiles on the faces of the BATF representatives in
the room.

Just before today's arguments, the judge read into court record
the indictment of Bob Stewart on one count of "possession of
a firearm by a convicted felon" and on 5 counts of "possession
of a machine gun." As was previously reported on both and, the Stewarts contend
that the "evidence" was planted. The case goes to trial in
the 9th circuit court of appeals on September 5, 2000, judge
Roslyn O. Silver presiding. The 9th circuit is known to be
stridently anti-gun/anti-self-defense. More of their cases are
overruled by the Supreme Court than any other circuit.

Below are: statements from Bob Stewart after the judge's ruling,
commentary on today's ruling, and a few action steps you can take
to help.


"The Judge screwed American citizens today, as I believe he was
directed by his boss to do. He used a case that has no merit.
Anyone can go to the hardware store and get the parts required
to make a gun in 8 hours! This was a totally different judge
than we've seen in our two previous hearings. I'm not surprised,
but I am insulted. The judge completely ignored the guidelines of
the BATF under Title 18, Section 921(A)(3). They also ignored
the fact that the BATF has no jurisdiction until after an item
crosses state lines. They are wrong, wrong, wrong. It's a
travesty against the Second Amendment, and we need help to
fight this in our trial.

"All kits being sold in America are now under fire. Judges like
this extend the government's tentacles beyond where they belong.
I love this country, and I love this government, but when they
run as a rogue agency blatantly walking outside the bounds of
what is legal and right, they have become the enemy. Andersen
should be ashamed for selling out America to keep his job.
Thank you, Mr. Andersen, for working for the evil people trying
to enslave America. What happened today was predetermined, as
evidenced by the fact that they cut off the shipping of our kits
on Tuesday. We don't have a Bill of Rights any more, and we need
to fix the system NOW."


When a federal agency is cutting new swatches of claimed territory,
legal or physical, anything now seems to be possible. The BATF
didn't take issue with Mr. Stewart for YEARS of the manufacturing
and selling of his kits. If they had an issue, and if the BATF
were truly a taxing agency of the Department of Treasury, a simple
letter or phone call to address the issue would have been their
first move to correct their perceived infraction of law.

The BATF conducted this entire operation in order to get the
records of the 2,000+ citizens who've purchased the Maadi-Griffin
kits. In the eyes of this farce of an agency, each of those
citizens is a criminal who purchased a firearm that bears no
serial number. Past customers of Bob Stewart are encouraged
to take heed of the fact that the BATF has your personal
information and is likely taking the position that you are
in possession of a firearm with no serial number. And not
just "a" firearm, but THE firearm target of the day. Expect
to see the anti-freedom, anti-self-defense crowd to begin
bleating for the outlawing of the .50 Caliber Rifle in short
order; it's coming. Get one while you can, and get it
unregistered if possible.

The BATF also conducted this operation in order to put Bob
Stewart and thus Maadi-Griffin out of business permanently.
Their intention is to lock him up in a federal prison for a
long time, and that is exactly what they intend to do. He
already served 16 months the last time the BATF stung him
in highly questionable circumstances that never made it to
trial--in a 'plea bargain' from the friendly, ever-so-helpful
agency who set him up in the first place.

I was told by a very prominent, nationally-known attorney four
days ago that I was crazy for defending Bob Stewart because
he's a convicted felon. When I explained that his felony
conviction was a setup and that he has never done anything
violent, in the same breath where this attorney called himself
"as pro Second Amendment as anybody," he had the audacity to
suggest to me that any felon, under any circumstances, should
not be allowed to own a gun, ever, including a rape victim who
arms herself to avoid another rape and gets caught for carrying
a gun to defend her own life in the pathetically anti-constitution
state of Massachusetts. To that attorney I say, "YOU do not even
UNDERSTAND the 2nd Amendment OR the right to LIFE itself. Go
practice law in Britain." will be broadcasting live on the internet
tonight, Thursday, July 13, 7:15pm Pacific Time
You can expect us to cover more details of this court case along
with other gun-related news items, and there will be a call-in
portion of the radio/internet broadcast.


There are several action steps we are asking people to take.
Some of them involve money, but some of them simply involve a
quick email--a couple of minutes of your time.

1) Join our organization if you have not already done so. We're
offering a chance to win a fully operational Stainless Maadi-Griffin
Model 89 rifle with each membership, and 20% of the proceeds are
going to the Bob Stewart Legal Defense Fund., our
merchant account provider, was down for most of yesterday and part
of today. (165,000 of their customers couldn't conduct online
transactions.) The system is back up and working perfectly.
You can also join by mail.

2) Contribute directly to the Bob Stewart Legal Defense Fund. No amount is too
small or too large.

3) Ask SAF and FLDF to support Bob Stewart's defense. If you
are a member of either organization, petition them as a member
to use membership funds to help this man win his trial.
Jack Gilbert, Chairman

Send a simple message with a subject/title of
SUPPORT BOB STEWART DEFENSE. This is how simple I mean:

"PLEASE support Bob Stewart's Defense by offering funds or
legal assistance. A federal judge just ruled against him,
and the case is going to trial in September. The case could
have strong Second Amendment implications, and Mr. Stewart
needs help. His website is,
and I know he'd be glad to get some support from you."

4) Spread this message far and wide and ask your gunowner
friends to join the cause by doing any or all of the above. will be broadcasting live on the internet
tonight, Thursday, July 13, 7:15pm Pacific Time
You can expect us to cover more details of this court case along
with other gun-related news items, and there will be a call-in
portion of the radio/internet broadcast.

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"When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!