couple ? re BHP parts/where to get


Member In Memoriam
Called Browning yesterday & ordered another trigger lever for my BHP.

~$41+S&H = yikes! for (what appears to be) a sintered hunk o' metal. Sticker shock! Seems was steep!

Is there another source for quality parts for HiPowers that y'all'd recommend?

While one the subject ....

This trigger is pushed up from the trigger, into another lever in the slide which trips the sear.

Mine has pretty extensive wear (perhaps 1/4 worn away w/a few K shots fired) on the interior/uppermost portion & can't for the life of me see what it could be rubbing against.

Normal or ?

George Stringer

Staff Alumnus
Labgrade the wear is probably normal but if you want to see what it's rubbing against coat the parts with dykem blue, assemble and work it a few times. Disassemble and you'll see the shiny spots that are rubbing. George


Member In Memoriam
Thank you, gentlemen.

& George, thanks for that (forgotten) tip. Totally spaced dykem = duh on my part.