couple of questions from someone trying to learn


New member
1) I have been researching Remington 700's and see a lot of quotes about 'short actions' and 'long actions'. I asked the guy at Cabela's and he didn't know what I was talking about. Is this something I should consider when buying a rifle? I understand it has to do with the cartridge size. Can someone explain the significance of 'short actions' and 'long actions'?

2) I also have been researching 22's. I want a Marlin 60, I think. Neither Cabela's or Bass Pro had one or knew anything about them. Do they still make Marlin 60's and how much should one cost?

Thanks for any help or advice you can give me.


New member
If you really did ask someone in the firearms department about a Remington 700 and short and long actions and they said they didn’t know what you are talking about they need fired!

Short and long action of course refers to the length of the action itself. The part where the bolt is housed and that the barrel attaches to. You have short action cartridges and long action cartridges.

Now you also have really short action cartridges and magnum action cartridges.

You should start out with a good 22 and work your way up, you will learn what you need by shooting your 22 and being around other shooters.

I would highly suggest you starting out with a bolt action 22 to get yourself acquainted with the working of a bolt action rifle. The Marlin model 60 is a great rifle but if you are interested in bolt actions I feel a good bolt action 22 is where you may want to start. Marlin makes those as well. They are more than accurate for their cost and are an excellent entry rifle.

You can get a Model 60 for around $160 new. Their bolt action 22's start around $175 new. You may want to check out the local shops in your area for a good used rifle, as it is hard to wear out a 22.

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New member
Hope this helps...

Here is an example
I have an older model Savage, chambered in .243(which is a short round), The gun's action is long(could be the same action as a .30-06, which is a long round, it would need a long action.)

The long action on a short round, can cause loading issues, as the round has to much "hangtime" before it enters the chamber. It could cause Fail-To-Feed issues if you were in a hurry. It has never been for me, but for some it poses issues. AFAIK it doesn't affect accuracy, at 100yds, my wife will keep 4 shots in a quarter. Savage(and most mfgs) have since went away from a "1 size fits all" mentality, which was obviously meant to help keep production costs down, since you wouldn't need extra machinery for 2 sizes.
Knowing then, what I know now I'd still buy the gun. It's been super reliable, as it's a hunting, not match, gun. If I were looking for a benchrest shooter, maybe I would look for a shorter action.

There are also reinforced Magnum actions as well.

AFAIK, the model 60 is still being made, it's showing up in my JSC catalogue. Go to your local gunstore and ask them to order ya one.