Couple Abducted & Robbed From Disney World

Don H

New member
I believe Downtown Disney is a mall outside the Disney World park boundaries - no admission and no control over coming and going.
They were abducted then "robbed from" Disney? Does that mean they were the property of Disney then robbed from them? Or where they robbed then abducted? :)


The theme parks themselves are very secure and security would jump on anyone who even got disruptive, literally in seconds.

But Downtown Disney is a shopping district with no access restrictions, just part of the "outside world". I would definitely be carrying there!

(There's lots of pickpockets, too. Watch out for gypsy distraction/pick teams)


New member
Never allow yourself to be relocated by the criminal, period. Even if facing an armed aggressor you DO NOT let them take you away to a more "convienent" location for them. THis couple is luck to be alive.

Disney has had problems in their parking lots before. I can't blame Disney, it is a huge complex full of people completely on condition white. For criminals it is akin to being a shark adn seeing a beach full ofbatherssurrounded by chum... Downtown Disney is an open shopping and entertainment area. There is absolutely no reason NOT to carry there.


New member
+1 one what Musketeer said.

If caught in that position (got the drop on me), I think I'd "Pass out". Let them drag my 6'2" 210lb arse.


New member
For years now Florida criminals have been targeting tourists because they know most won't be carrying...we need a nationwide CCW recipriocity.


New member
Just tell the bad guys to hold on for 15 minutes while you dial 9-1-1 and wait for the cavalry.


or years now Florida criminals have been targeting tourists because they know most won't be carrying...we need a nationwide CCW recipriocity.

If you live in a free or relatively free state, it's likely that Florida has reciprocity with yours. If you don't, well...move to one. :)


New member
Orlando is growing quickly and crime is on a BIG rise. Places like Disney World and Universal are not immune. All of the news about crime and violence is slowly changing the public perception about Orlando, being a safe place. Orlando and Central Florida area government officials and tourism leaders are increasing their public and private spending on security. When Disney and crime are mentioned in the same sentence, the ripple effect could cause a slowdown in the local economy.


No, it was never particularly safe, not since it started growing in the 1960's. The surrounding area has always had criminals preying on tourists.

Disney used to be immune because they kept most of their stuff inside the theme parks, which are very secure, with rapid-responding security forces. They're frighteningly fast...even a verbal altercation will be efficiently surrounded in seconds by large men with ear-radios, the people involved whisked out of sight before most "guests" in the area even notice. And I'm quite sure that any group that looks "suspicious" has manned cameras following their every move for the entire duration of their visit. That, plus the fact that few gangsta sorts are likely to pay $60 for a park admission!

But the moment they opened a larger shopping/club district open to the outside world, they got the real world's troubles. Way back in the early 90's, when I was there as a kid, when Downtown Disney was still Pleasure Island/Disney Marketplace, there was a gang stabbing at an arcade, and numerous fights.

The parks are pretty locked down and watched carefully. But the shopping district is a high-traffic tourist area with lots of criminals and illegals, just like any such place in the country.


New member
I go to Dorney Park up in Allentown, Pa occasionally with my nephew. Which in the past years have been littered with low life scum. I can't carry in the park but its the parking lot I'm worried about.

Allentown has really fallen off in the past years :mad: