Country with Highest Gun Ownership


New member
The country with the highest gun ownership; the USA? Correct.

"USA Today" reports 89 small arms per 100 people in the United States. Serbia, just 38. Yemen, just over half; 55.

Related news from the US Census Bureau reports that half of all homes in America have at least one firearm.

Because many people own more than one gun, what percentage of all people in America do you think actually own a gun? I'm guessing about 15%.


New member
"Guns per 100 people" stats are skewed by us gun nuts..

I thought I read somewhere that Israel has more guns per square kilometer than us, but that is slightly different.

But I bet the highest per-capita gun ownership is in Switzerland. They have a state-mandated militia, and their national sport is shooting.


New member
If USA Today can ever really get the true number of where the guns are and how many that each of us own,we are all in trouble.


New member
Haven't seen the article. So what is USA Today trying to say beyond the number of firearms. Do they need to be controlled?

I also think the per capita numbers are rather skewed in the USA with a substantial proportion of the firearms owned by a relatively small percentage of the population. That said, I would guess that ownership is about 50-50 here.


New member
I bet the numbers are way way low. How do they know which of my brothers got my grandpas guns? There are tons of guns out there that have been handed down from generation to generation that they don't know anything about. I bet the numbers are more like two guns per person in the USA.
of all the gun owners I know only one person has one gun, everyone else 2 or more.

half of my collection is handed down and probally not on any system.

"we can make 85% of statistics say what we want 100% of the time;)"

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New member
Most of these factor in a service life of 25 years or so... Good chances the numbers are much higher than that.

I know for a fact that they don't count parts kit AKs or many other home made items nor do they count the non-firearms like muzzle loaders.


New member
A couple of days after Hurricane Ike slammed us and nobody had electricity, about 15 households on my street had a driveway BBQ and the discussion turned to "protecting our properties".

There was not ONE home that did not own at least one firearm and many had 2 or more. That is 100% of homeowners in a two block area.

I personally think there are more guns out there than anyone knows.


New member
well, I've got over 40 fellow americans covered....

half of those never saw a piece of government paper. And I can say flat out I'm not some kind of radical... in fact most of you would consider me a pinko- liberal socialist... well maybe I am radical sort of... Somebody has got to look out for the future of the 'left'. :)
I personally think there are more guns out there than anyone knows.

Maybe 15% of people own, but that includes a lot of couples where all the guns are in one name and parents who have guns theri sons/daughters use.

I would guess there is more than one gun per person in the US. I know there are a whole lot of people that have a handgun or such in their home and would never admit it on any form or in public b/c they are ashamed of it. Not sure why, but they seem to think it is something they should not have or it makes them paranoid. If only they knew about my mini-14 and box of loaded one light mags. I still can't convince myself storing them full loaded won't damage the springs even though it makes no sense.

john in jax

New member
I bet "violent" countries like Afganistan, Pakistan, Somolia, and many others easily have us beat on per capita gun ownership.

And if you twist the question around . . . is it Switzerland or Sweden where everyone (male and female) has to do a stint in the armed forces and take their rifle home with them? Should be a gun/rifle is almost every single household there.



jax: you should know it is switzerland. and finnland has highest. but then we have far more than any one about the belt feeds and subs.I wont say more as the web has eyes. and 25 yr life is nothing look at the 88s and 71/84 and swiss 69/81 and krags and trapdoors.:rolleyes:;)


New member
The country with the highest gun ownership; the USA? Correct.

"USA Today" reports 89 small arms per 100 people in the United States. Serbia, just 38. Yemen, just over half; 55.

My first, last, and only thought when I read that article and see polls like these is this...



New member

Exactly my feelings. That's why I inquired what the artcle said other than list guns per capita. My guess is that they want folks to say.... there are way too many guns here... we need some regulation.


New member
When was the last invasion on US soil? I think someone cares and probably won't dare to invade us. And by the way, all the guns down in my safe really skew the statistics........:cool:


New member
Exactly my feelings. That's why I inquired what the artcle said other than list guns per capita. My guess is that they want folks to say.... there are way too many guns here... we need some regulation.

A research organization is credited as the source. "USA Today" just ran the piece. In the media business, it's just a sidebar, factoid. Interesting, IMO, yes. Is it factual..accurate, who knows.


New member
My first, last, and only thought when I read that article and see polls like these is this...

...007, why take time to respond?

Because I'm making a point. The ONLY reason to have a story about how many guns there are in the U.S. vs everywhere else, is to have an an agenda behind it. If its just some arbitrary,"gee whiz", factoid number, than there is/was no reason to put it into a newspaper.

For instance, looking at this article you have to ask yourself, "Ok...we have more guns...POINT???". Whats the point of showing this number??? Are "they" saying we have too many guns? How many is too many? Who decides too much is too much? And why, if they're trying to show that we have "too many", is it relevant? Is the fact that America has more guns showing something of significance?

No...theres much more to these types of articles than would appear.