Country vs. City ccw

How many handguns do you carry normally?

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New member
Hello, Let me first say I enjoy reading here daily but rarely post. After reading alot about what people use for a carry weapon for self defense I have noticed alot of people carry not just one but sometimes several guns. I live in the country so I guess I may not understand your concerns. I carry, but the main reason is in case I hit an animal with the car that may need to be finished off "something that luckily has not happened yet" but someday could. I get the impression that some of the cities must seem atleast in the carriers eyes that the city must be like what we see in the movies.
I guess my question is why do you need back up guns for your back up guns?
Don't get me wrong I think if it is legal you can carry as many as you want. I enjoy carrying a handgun everywhere I go, but I never felt the need for one on each ankle and one in the waist band, and one on the hip and one on the shoulder. My first thought is that is overkill and not all that comfortable either. I hope you take this as just a curious question and in no way an insult to anyone.


Sorry i put this in the wrong place and I guess I can't move it.
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New member
'wear' vs 'carry'

I took your poll to mean 'wear'; I wear one, but I carry at least one more in my 'man-purse'.
I live in friendly Vermont now), and street crime is virtually non-existent, so I feel (mostly) safe with just-a-gun.
But I have, and will on occasion again, based on anticipated environment, carry more than one on me.

If you ever actually need a gun, you'll no doubt feel that one is not enough.

Mr. Clint Smith said it best: "One is none; two is one".

I always remember our Boy Scouts motto: "Be prepared".


Haven't you ever heard of a New York Reload?
My BUG (taurus 651 shrouded hammer 2' 5rd 357) is on my ankle and really only there if primary gets jammed or hit, as I doubt in most situations I will need to reload it. Although I'm a big believer in training to clear jams, I personally also train myself to drop the gun and get the other one.
Before it was "legal" for me to carry in my state I carried an ankle gun for years and now just feel funny when it's not there. Also works when I'm going somewhere that bans concealed weapons. (In Missouri it isn't a crime to carry in a place that has banned carrying, it's only a violation and only a $35 citation if you refuse to leave after being asked.)

My opinion about carrying 3 or 4 or more guns is that it is either unneccesary or a good indication that you should move.
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New member
I grew up in the country and now live in the big city (but will return to the country soon...). I think awareness of my surroundings is my first best defense. A CCW is just my insurance (or would that be assurance?).

I voted for one as I don't find a desire for the discomfort of more than one concealed firearm. At 6' and 175 it is hard for me to "conceal" much of anything.


New member
I'm 6'2" and about 170lb. :p I can only carry one, really - or, at least, one defense-caliber pistol. I'm thinking of getting a .22 Mag Black Widow or similar for pocket carry in addition to what I've currently got.


New member
Most of the time I carry one. When I carry 2 it is because of a percieved threat increase. ie: Hurricane Rita her in E. Tex. I may carry 2 becuase I am going to have to remove my primary (Springer 1911A1) for some reason but can still legally carry. Maybe a Dr appointment & need to give access to chest but can have a small one in a pocket.

You are quit right about the difference between country & city. 30 yrs ago when I was in the country here, we did not even lock our house. I did not carry a key. Left the keys in the log truck. Shop not locked. Neighbors would borrow & leave a note. I did the same.

Today as I type I sit w/ my shoulder rig on & will remove it when going to bed. Quarter mile from our house was a druggie that jsut cleared out & looks like the new neighbors will be fine. One mile from the house is a Dollar General Store on Highway 69. One yr ago a meth head running from the law crashed in the parking lot & was tackled by LEO about 40-50 ft before getting in the store. He had several guns (5 I think) We use that for our milk & bread store. Everything but gas. I really can keep telling thes for a long time. It is not like it used to be. Enjoy the peace of the country.


New member
Nobody has picked 3 or more yet and I know I read posts where they do wear that many. Well after reading some of these I am glad I'm in the country. Our town is very small and people leave their keys in their cars and never lock their house doors. I do understand what you mean though. My daughter moved to a big city about 200 miles from here and it's like a different country to this old hillbilly. I'm not knocking city life as that's where the money is, it's just not my cup of tea. By the way it's nice to meet you all. I really enjoy reading the forums. So much information and some very intelligent people on here.



New member
I only carry one but have carried more! If I cant get it do with one gun to bad for me :( In michigan I was told there is no wording in the law to how many we can carry and you dont want to be the test subject:mad:


New member
I too live in the country and most of my free time is spent outdoors in the woods and fields, on foot or on horseback. My most often concealed gun is a .357 snubbie, in a coat pocket or under a shirt. During small game season I often carry my .22 pistol concealed. At times I carry both my .22 pistol and .44 special revolver to cover a range of game, from small to large. While open carry is legal here I always carry concealed when on a horse as I do ride on public roads and trails, don't see any need to advertise.
There's always a rifle handy in the house or truck as well.
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New member
Always 1.
I sometimes carry up to 4.
Two primary, 1 BUG and "lets hope it don't get to this point" gun
I was raised into a certain industry.
Folks like me were targeted.
I have never been kidnapped, I have evaded being kidnapped.

I live in the big city, certain things I do here or when I travel dictates how many . In the past year I have had a gun pointed at me and triggers pulled twice, left a Stop & Rob and less than 3 minutes a robbery with shots fired, and been just 1 block away when a bank was robbed, folks shot. I watched in side view/ rear view mirror just before I hunkered down as they fled.
I came home recently late from the hospital where family was, decided to take another route home...bullets richochets on the street just ahead prompted me to just do a 180* and leave.

Always 1, often a shotgun.
Private areas , no problem. I am holding hands with a lady, her dog playing and all...out with folks, kids, just doing the country bit.

I have been real concerned with 2 legged varmints before.
Trip wires, shots fired, and drug folks not appreciating someone taking a walk, checking out hunting areas, even on posted land where I was asked to assist folks in something.

How raised - what you do.


New member
Why do you carry a spare tire in your car?

You may never ever need it, but it may come in handy once every 20 years.


New member
I don't carry more than one for the reason of, If I need more than one I probably should go some where else.

If I feel the need for 2 guns, I am usually putting myself in a situation that most likely can be avoided.

Kind of like subjective vs. objective.
When I carry, it's just my Kahr MK9 in my pocket. I have a unique situation of living in the city and working in the suburbs, so that coupled with a strict no-firearms-allowed policy at my company, means I do not carry when I go to work. You are more likely to find me carrying if I'm walking down the street to go buy groceries or get run errands around the neighborhood -- especially if I'll be out at night. (I actually live in a nice neighborhood, but there have been a few muggings around here lately. Besides, I just got my License, so it feels good to exercise that right, just because I can.)

Obviously, I believe it's better to be over-prepared than under-prepared. I ALWAYS carry a Surefire G2 and a pocket knife (not necessarily for defense, but b/c they're useful,) along with a cell phone. Still, I can't say I've ever been in a situation where I've needed one, let alone more than one, firearm. Given the places I go, I have difficulty seeing where I'd want to carry more than one -- unless maybe there was rioting in the streets and I HAD to go outside. I think I'd be more likely to carry a spare magazine, but even then, I haven't seen fit to do this.

Obviously, your mileage may vary.

Mat not doormat

New member
I usually carry two. It's not so much that I'm especially paranoid, it's just that I started out carrying a P32 as my primary. When I upgraded to a 1911, I just never took the .32 out of my pocket. It's just so easy to carry, why not?

I have on occasion been known to add a second 1911, available for lefty use. This is usually the day after I talk to someone who says that 1911s are fine guns, but useless, because they're too big to conceal. After having been around them for the entire day, I bring up the conversation, ask if they think I'm carrying, and generally get a negative response, or else "It's gotta be little one, if you are." *cue the amazement* Actually, I'm packing a pair of full size 1911's, and a kel tec.


john in jax

New member
I guess I'm lucky, I live in a great (safe) place and only CCW when out-and-about in the evenings. Usually it's one Para Ord .45 cal 1911-style or another. Sometimes I carry extra mags.

Years ago when in the gun/pawn shop business I carried a BUG, but never 3