Cost to install front sight insert


New member
I'm looking to get a plastic insert installed on my wife's Taurus 627. Is this usually a replace the sight situation, or grind and install an insert?

Just trying to get a rough idea of what to expect in the way of costs and such.

George Stringer

Staff Alumnus
BD, the front sight is milled with a dovetail cutter then a colored "epoxy" is mixed and the d'tail filled in with it. I don't know if they still make them or not but there used to be little plastic sheets that you cut the inserts out of. I charge $40 for it and I think that's about average. Your local smith may charge a little more or a little less. Give him a call. George


New member
Thanks, that's what I was wonderin'.. Checked brownell's for replacements, but being a Taurus *and* the Tracker model, not much out there ;-)

Jim Watson

New member
Paint is cheaper for trial purposes, to see if she really likes a colored sight and to decide WHAT color.

Model enamel is ok, appliance or car body touchup paint is tougher. Degrease and put on a coat of white first, it will brighten the color.


New member
I actually painted the inset area (where the cheezy tape was) with some of that sight paint, worked pretty well but it's not very even or consistant in color. Perhaps I'll try to find some electrical tape in appropriate colors..