Cost of Engraving?


My guess is that you'd have to place a special order.

It's never encouraging when they don't list a price... There's no way to give a decent estimate but I'd expect to pay multiples of the typical going rate for a plain pistol.
My local gunshop deals in CZ but says he can't order the engraved series. I'm in discussions with CZ reps via email, will report back on what I find.

Gosh, they're just more gorgeous each time I look at them. I realize they are a bit "much" for many pistol-owners, but I have never been a fan of the "less-is-more" philosophy in life anyway. Just look at my shoe collection if you doubt it :D


New member
have you looked into just getting a regular one and getting it engraved yourself? i really want to get something small and shiny just for the sake of a fun piece to get engraved.