Correia's Book Answers "What Gun for Werewolves, Vampires, etc."

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Dave R

New member
Don't know how many of you remember Larry Correia (3,800 posts here,) but he's written a book that's as much fun for a gunnie to read as any book I have read in a while.

Its called "Monster Hunter, International." Basic plot is, monsters are real, and real people have to hunt them down to keep them in check. And what do they hunt them with? Guns you have, and guns you wish you had. One is nicknamed "Abomination." Worthy name.

The dialog, characters and plot are well done. Its a page turner.

If you want to read the first chapter, you can find it here.

Then you need to order the book from or the usual sources. Or e-mail Larry at

Highly recommended. (And this from a guy with a degree in English Lit!)


New member
For Werewolves and Vamps a silver bullet should work equally as well, especially if you have a Cross cast into the nose of the bullet. Since Silver is a "pure" metal it'll hurt/kill either with equal effectiveness. Zombies don't care what they get shot with, just make sure it's a head shot. LOL.


New member
where is this thread going???

To the locked status, really quick I bet.

Before that happens, just for kicks, one of my female friends from back in school bought me a "Zombie Survival Guide" as a house warming gift. Excellent book, covering home defense in an invasion, escape during an invasion, etc. etc...

It says head shots are key from a rifle or handgun... Somewhat gun related... :p Sorry mods.


New member
Popping monsters, lots of fun for the whole family. It's a conceit that never gets old. I don't know how many times I've seen it in the movies or read it in books, I never get tired of it.

Dave R

New member
For Werewolves and Vamps a silver bullet should work equally as well, especially if you have a Cross cast into the nose of the bullet. Since Silver is a "pure" metal it'll hurt/kill either with equal effectiveness.
There are conflicting reports about silver bullets for vamps & werewolves. The book clarifies that pretty well. :D

where is this thread going???
Dunno. Just wanted gunnies to know there was another good gun book out there. Particularly one written by a TFL member. Disclaimer: I have no financial interest in the book. I just enjoyed it. There aren't that many good gun books around.


New member
In "The Santanic Rites of Dracula" Dr. VanHelsing(spelling??) used a silver bullet to do harm(don't remember if it killed him or not) to Dracula. Of course, if you watch the latest TV show "Moonlight" then they're saying the only way to kill a vamp is to cut of his/her head. Even a stake thru the heart will only parlyze them.
The key to killing most monsters is to remove the head. Forget symbols and meterials. Get the head off and it is dead.

When it comes to monsters, explosives are the best.

...except for the creatures from Alien... blowing their acid blood everywhere isn't a hot idea...

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Not really about firearms, eh?

Read the sticky at the top of this forum.

No disrespect to Larry Correia, but this thread is closed.
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