Correct way to clean my pistol.


New member
I'm a proud new pwner of my first handgun (A CZ75BD Police) and I have some questions about how I should go about cleaning it. I've taken it to the range twice and have 300 rounds through it right now. I've cleaned the inside of the barrel with a swab and oil but I want to know what I should really be doing. I have a barrel brush, a barrel mop, and some cloth swatches. I also have a bottle of Hoppes solvent, and hoppes oil, and a can of remington spray oil. My question is what is the correct proceedure to follow ofter a days worth of shooting? I've noticed after the first 300 rounds of ammo (200 rounds WWB and 100 rounds CCI Brass) that the disassembled gun has some soil on the internal parts of the main gun assembly. I can clean the slide and it's individual components up easily but how should I handle the other parts? It is safe to just blast and soak the rest of the gun with my remington spray lube?

And what should I do with the barrel? Should I always apply solvent first to the brush or should I just run some swatches through it and follow that up with some oil on the mop?

I'm looking for sort of a proceedure listing of how to do things.
I had a thread on this subject and the consensus was that with today's ammo, whether you clean a lot or a little, your gun's ok.

But with my semiautos, I run a patch soaked with Hoppes 9 down the barrel. Set the barrel down and let it soak.

Then I use a plumbers brush (metal handle, size of a pencil, with 1/2 of bristle at the end) soaked with Hoppes and liberally wet the hard to reach areas of the slide/frame.

Then I use a rag (piece of an old t-shirt; I'm getting low on t-shirts) dampened with Hoppes, and rub all the crud off the frame and slide. I follow that by rubbing the frame and slide with a dry rag.

Now, back to the barrel. It's been soaking. I then run a dry patch through. It's pretty black.

I use a bristle brush. Metal. Because plastic doesn't work for me. I soak the brush in Hoppes and run it back and forth five or six times.

I then run a couple of wet patches through. I follow these with a couple of dry patches.

Note: The final dry patches will 99% of the time have some dirt/shadow on them. It's nearly impossible for me to get the bore 110% clean. This used to bug me. I don't worry about it, anymore. Today's ammo is corrosion free so it's no biggie.

By now the entire pistol is still disassembled but dry. I then reassemble the pistol and wipe the entire thing down with a silicone cloth.

Sometimes I oil the bore. Sometimes not. (But I periodically take all my guns out and wipe them down, etc.) Then I put the pistol into whatever safe/case/holster/etc., it's going to stay.

Te Anau

New member
If nothing else,when Im done shooting I at least run a patch with Hoppes #9 on it down the barrel several times and let it soak for a few minutes.Clean this out with several new patches and run a lightly oiled patch through the barrel.I then wipe down the entire outside of the gun with a lightly oiled patch.Thats my quickie clean.Dont forget to run a clean,dry patch through the barrel before you shoot again.;)
Note: The final dry patches will 99% of the time have some dirt/shadow on them. It's nearly impossible for me to get the bore 110% clean. This used to bug me. I don't worry about it, anymore. Today's ammo is corrosion free so it's no biggie.
+1 on that


New member
Thanks for the info fellas. I apprecaite it.

When you mention you use a plumbers brush I assume that I can substitute a toothbrush or other small soft bristled brush?

Can using the metal bristle brush down a barrell too much affect the shot of the weapon? Will it degrade it in any way?


New member
toothbrush is ok. I prefer an M16 brush, because it is narrower.

For the bore, use a brass barrel brush. You can get them at any store. Brass is softer than steel, so it won't hurt your barrel. I won't use stainless steel brushes on my barrels.


New member
I was wondering why you have to run a clean dry patch through before you shoot? I haven't been doing this and haven't had any problems. I am also new and this is the first I heard of this. What kind of problems can be caused by not running the patch through before you shoot? Thanks,