Correct Terminology

Interesting. I am not sure I agree with several of the comparisons or classifications. "Concealed carry" is wrong? Saturday Night Special is racist?

Suggesting that when antis say that "guns kill" that we should say "guns save lives" would seem to be an admission of our own ignorance in understanding the matter. If on one hand pro-gun folks are going to argue that guns don't kill people, that people kill people, then we cannot argue that guns save lives. If we do argue that guns save lives, then we provide confirmation to the claim that guns kill people.

I know the author is trying to be helpful, but I don't think he has given enough consideration to the issues and their complexities.

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Saturday Night Special is racist?

yes, if you look at the actual history of the term. Originating among certain detective depts in the southern border area (reportedly in Texas at first) the term (a slang term) was originally "N***er Town Saturday Night Special", and at first referred to the long bladed slender knife that was found commonly used in stabbing in ethnic neighborhoods on payday weekends. That type of knife is today commonly called a filet knife or fisherman't knife. It soon became applied to the small, cheap handguns that were also used in those same circumstances, and the "N-word" was dropped when the term went mainstream.

The other way to look at the term as racist, is that it refers to cheap handguns, the only kind poor people can afford, and since the majority of poor people are minorities, some people consider the term as racist.

Of course, some people don't know, or don't understand the difference between a racist and a bigot.