Core 15 vs bushmaster?


New member
This isnt a argument post. New guy in town is selling Core 15 AR'S they are piston instead of gas. I wasnt bragging on my Bushmaster he said ya brings yours up we will shoot I said sounds great he said but be prepared to spend some money after wards since youll get beat and want one of these......NOW Idk about you guys but this was the first of hearing about them. He then went to say the tolerances are tighter and better on these than yours and the barrel had a "tighter" twist.....mine is 1:9....his 1:9.... anyway I shot with him in three different styles....walking, prone, and bench.. walking I took without even blinking prone he took (ex-wanna be sniper who never made it) and bench I took shook his hand and said nice gun. Adter which he still was feeding me all this about how these are the new Colts and theyre better than the rest. MY QUESTION.....Whats the big hype about these things that he is telling me bc all i get from him is tolerances are better and tighter....he acts like its gold compared to copper.... and im not trying to offend anyone by saying what i said you jsut have to know the guy...


New member
A salesman is a salesman is a salesman. Never heard of them either, but that doesn't mean anything. There are a lot of custom AR makers out there and this may just be a new one. Can't fault the guy for trying to sell his wares and claiming it is the best, I think all the gun manufacturers do that or so their ads say so.

I have found that good scores have more to do with good marksmenship than good guns. You could give a champion shooter a POS and he or she will still beat the pants off your score.

Just my 5 and 1/2 cents.


New member
ha ha i totally agree. And i Blame him none for trying to sell it. He threw a good sales pitch but he is not a marksman nor an avid shooter he just thinks everything he has is the best. Not taking an credit away from him by stating that but he isnt the first second or third person you stop to talk to while gun browsing. He sells wolf like its MM 44 308 military match ammo lol. just thought it was one of those funnys people like to hear about but i would like to know more about them


New member
Bushmaster is definitely better than Core 15. Ecspecially in durability and besides I have only heard that gun brand like 3 times. While Bushmasters is up there.


New member
I looked at the website. They are purty proud of their rifles just lookin at the pricing.

But hey they offer an ARFCOM special w/free shipping, how bad could they be?

Two week delivery and a rifle called the "Moonshiner". The logo is a gator. How cool is that?


New member

The "GTO" laser etched on the receiver is okay, but the "Good Time Outdoors" back by the trigger has got to go. :rolleyes: I'm just waiting for a receiver stamped with BLBG&A (Bill's Laundry Mat Bar, Grill, & Arms)

You know, it seems like everyone under the sun is cranking out a mil-spec receiver these days. This kind of stuff goes in cycles and we've already seen AR prices come down over the past year. These guys seem proud of what they are doing, but I think they're a little late to the game as the market is eventually going to reach a saturation point (if it hasn't already) for mid-priced ARs.

With so many players already on the field, I think anyone entering the AR market at this point needs to have a niche. i.e. very high end, very low end. They need to tap a portion of the market that still has people waiting to buy.



Adams Arms piston kit. Which means moving the function of the piston from the bolt carrier - and they say they respect Eugene Stoner's vision - to another one grafted onto the barrel. In engineering terms, that's like adding an engine to the front of a VW Beetle and running a shaft back to the transaxle to make it move, leaving the old engine to just hang there.

That's superior?

Tighter tolerances is BS, it's abusing the typical American's lack of knowledge of how things are made. In this case, completely unprovable - unless Core 15 is making or specifying ALL the parts to some standard much higher than what the industry typically uses. That would add significantly to the final cost, and we don't see that, do we? Is there a 50,000 round guarantee against any part breaking, or one that says you will get 1/2 MOA accuracy?

If it was that good, they would.

Good job in your showdown, those kind of guys are the same ones selling aluminum siding and storm windows. They look forward to applying it over brick, whatever it takes to make money.


New member
I wasnt trying to beat him really i just LOVE shooting along with the other 200% of the population on here :D. but what REALLY and i mean really cracked my stuff up was after wards it was like my old local guru(which has one of only 475 distinguished military marksman badges to ever be given out since 1894,...not sure which one but you can look him up PM if you want his name) as soon as we was done shooting it was straight to the soaking of Nitro Solvent lol.....but then afterwards his piston was jamming up against his quad rail and ya i laughed said have a nice day and he smirked and mumbled something to the effect of come back when you want to try again when i get this thing lined out........DONT COMPETE IF YA DONT HAVE THE STUFF TO COMPETE figured you guys would tear into this like a rabbit on a clover patch


New member
Never heard of Core.

There's a bunch of folks making parts guns. That's not to say that they can't be good quality- they can. Might even be better than most factory guns. But the thing is, I'm not likely to spend my money for a parts gun somebody else made- if they go out of business, good luck getting warranty service.

Parts guns are easy enough for me to make (heck, got 3 of them, a fourth under construction, and lowers for 3 more), I don't see the point in paying somebody else to make me one.