Cor-Bon failure to feed in my SIG

David Park

New member
At the range yesterday, I had my first-ever malfunctions with my SIG P239. I was testing some Cor-Bon 9mm +P, and round 7 out of 8 became stuck against the top of the barrel. I reloaded the same magazine and tried again, and this time round 8 became stuck the same way. I loaded the individual failed rounds in the same mag and fired them with no problems. I had no problems with any other magazine, but I've only fired about three boxes of Cor-Bon so far.

A search turned up this thread, where it mentions weak mag springs, but the failure in that thread had the round getting stuck against the bottom of the barrel, rather than the top. I've already rotated the mag out of the ones I carry, but should I replace the spring? The gun and mags are only a few months old, and each mag probably only has a few hundred rounds through it at most, so I doubt the spring could be worn out yet. I do leave the carry mags fully loaded 24/7.

It also mentions that FTF problems could be due to Cor-Bon bullets being shorter than others, such as the Hydra-Shoks I normally use. I had noticed this as well. I'm thinking that maybe I should just give up on Cor-Bon as carry ammo. For something hotter than the standard Hydra-Shoks, I'm thinking about the +P+ LEO-only stuff or maybe the new Federal EFMJ rounds.



New member
I had similar problems with Corbon HPs in my CZ75. I believe they hung up on the feed ramp. I have had 100% feed reliability with Winchester Silver Tips and Hydra-Shocks.


New member
Were they 115 grain? My Sigpro has had 2 feeding failures with that round. It has been 100% ok with Winchester 115 and Speer 124. If you compare the CB to any other 115 or 124 grain 9mm round, you'll see that it is very short. So I don't use it anymore, even though my Beretta 92 never had a problem with it. I wouldn't blame the gun or magazine in this case.


New member
Feeding problems with CorBons are not all that rare in my experience; I've had trouble with 9mms too. If they won't work, pick something that will, lots of choices out there.


New member
I have had several FTF on my guns from using Cor-Bon ammo. They were so frequent that I had to stop using them.

David Park

New member
Thanks for the comments. The Cor-Bons that failed were 125gr, though I'd gone through two boxes of 115gr on a previous range trip with no problems. Looks like I'm going to stick with Hydra-Shok. If it ain't broke...