Cops writing other cops tickets.

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New member
Tonight while on duty i was running a stationary radar position on a U.S highway that passes through the town i work in.

While doing so i "locked" a vehicle traveling 68 mph in a 55 mph zone. After getting this vehicle stopped the driver exits his vehicle and i instruct him to get back into his vehicle, he refuses and i repeat my order and he complies. As i approach; i note a radar detector on his dashboard. [lit up!!] I ask for his drivers license and proof of insurance and he complies, i also inform him for the reason i stopped him and the speed.

Theres no way i was going that fast, he tells me. i just passed a car that was traveling only 50 miles an hour he also informs me. He then tells me he is an ex - police officer and he knows all about the law. I ask why the radar detector? He tells me there are no laws against them! I then invite him back to my patrol car to look at the radar unit so he can verify how fast he was going.

He comes back, i show him the speed thats "locked" in and run his drivers license for valadation thru the Iowa DOT. I then get my ticket book out and start to write him a ticket for speeding, at that point he says "want some advice"? then says "Your are not REALLY going to write me a ticket are you"? Yes sir i am was my reply. He really goes off on me now, telling me that you NEVER write another officer or ex - officer a ticket.

I ask him again "Whats the radar detector for? he says to me "to monitor my speed" I smile and reply, "I thought thats what your speedometer was for". By this time this guys SMOKIN, and he says you"ll never give mr another ticket! "I'm going to put my radar jamming device in my car, i tell him i have no control over his actions and he can do as he pleases.

I finish writing him the cite,[10 over = 41.00$] tell him to slow down and have a NICE DAY... :)

My question to any LEO'S or others here is whats your opinion on this matter. For me.. = #1. Never exit your vehicle until requested to do so by a Peace officer. #2. telling another cop your a cop to get out of a cite is real TACKY. #3. Using a radar detector [in my book] will get you a ticket everytime. #4. "Copping" an attitude" [no pun intended] don't go over well with most officers. This whole episode kinda pissed me off. I see that alot of the members here see this kinda attitude here by police and get bent out of shape about it. Well in my book "whats good for the goose is good for the Gander".

I probably hear more from this guy either in court, or through other routes he might take to get off. I hope he does, i look foward to meeting him in court if it comes to that. Rant mode off.

[This message has been edited by 12-34hom (edited September 06, 2000).]


New member
You did the right thing.

Im not a cop just a regular Joe with a job. To me you do NOT need a radar detector if you are obeying the speed limit. There is no point to it!

The ex cop seemed to me that he was a real ass and deserved it!

If you are a cop and not on duty in your own "non cop" car or an ex then you are subject to the same laws as the rest of the populace!

Try to take away my gun...and you will see my 2nd Amendment Right in ACTION!!! -Me


po boy

New member
12-34 HOM
you done good I,ve been on for 26 years run into that type all the time they think they have a free pass with the badge professional courtesy and badge first thing I see..professional cortesy is not puting you in that position to begin with


New member

You did the right thing in my book.

I have been known to drive a little fast once and awhile. I also use a detector.

If you bagged him fair and square, leo / ex-leo / whatever, he should stop whining and take care of the citation. It’s not THAT[i/] big of a deal. If he wants to dance – he must pay the piper.

I wish the police would also cite the idiots that park in the left lane on the highway, are oblivious to what’s going on around them, and refuse to let anyone get by them.



New member
Amen 12-34, I have known good cops and bad cops. The most ethical one was a park police officer I worked with. He was pulled over and blah, blah, blah. After accepting a good chewing out, and acknowleging his fault, the cop who stopped him found out that he was a state police officer. He asked why he didn't identify himself as a "brother" officer. The
Park police officer replied: "Either I broke the law or I did not break the law. What I do as a living should not affect your judgement as to ticket me or not."
I gained new respect for police officers from him. He was effective at his job, but he didn't automatically ticket or arrest people that he could have. Many times he would tell me that a cop's job isn't revenue generation, but to serve the public by encouraging a safety attitude. Amen to all of that. We should all be grateful to the majority of cops who are honest, and ethical.


Ahh come on now, you going to tell me that you would have given a brother officer who works your beat a ticket?.

Cops don't generally write other cops tickets, just like when a good looking woman is pulled over, if she is all smiley and bubbly she probably won't get a ticket.

I am not trying to get anyone p*ssed at me, but, please don't try to **** me.



New member
Had a local cop cite another local for DUI,
He had just left the FOP Awards Banquet. :D He ran his car off the road and in a ditch,Gave the arresting officer a hard time :rolleyes: He got off though on a technicality :(

We preserve our freedoms by using four boxes: soap,ballot,jury, and cartridge.

[This message has been edited by loknload (edited September 06, 2000).]


New member
Cops getting hit by the 'paparazzi' team for slight speeding get to
pay a case of beer to the team. If they get caught speeding or
crossing a red traffic light without sirens, they also have to pay
their case of beer. For bad things, they get treated like common


New member
"I'll use my radar jamming device..."


For a "Radar Jamming Device" to work in the
first place it has to be 'active'. In other words, it has to radiate energy the same way the radar gun has to.

The FCC has not licensed anyone to do this.

So this "Ex-Cop" who "knows about the law" is going to fore-go a civil-infraction speeding ticket for a felony FCC violation?


He deserved the ticket and more for jumping out of his car.

Thanks for doing the right thing, 12-34hom.

(btw, that same ticket (+13 mph) would have been $105 in Massachusetts.)


"[Even if there would be] few tears shed if and when the Second Amendment is held to guarantee nothing more than the state National Guard, this would simply show that the Founders were right when they feared that some future generation might wish to abandon liberties that they considered essential, and so sought to protect those liberties in a Bill of Rights. We may tolerate the abridgement of property rights and the elimination of a right to bear arms; but we should not pretend that these are not reductions of rights." -- Justice Scalia 1998


I don't wanna get anyone P*ssed off either, but this is sure too "For me.. = #1. Never exit your vehicle until requested to do so by a Peace officer." Thank you, but No. I'll get out of my car whenever I feel like it. You're out of yours. And if you pull your gun because yuou feel it's a "situation", I'll pull mine, and it may turn out to be one. It ain't against the law to get out of your car. You may have a badge, but that don't make you judge, jury, and executioner. You are hired by the people to work for the people, you're not some self-governing elite who rules with an iron fist. I agree with you hgiving the cop a ticket. If somebody is speeding, AND driving recklessly, ticket them, and cops should be no exeption ON DUTY OR OFF. I was driving about 65 when a cop with his lights turned off passed me at about 75. I got behind him a ways and matched his speed while we flew passed other cars driving the speed limit. After a couple miles the A-hole put on his lights, dropped back, and pulled me over. It seems I was speeding. I told him that he was too. "I'm a cop" I said "thank you, I hadn't noticed the white and blue car with lights on top" he said "don't get smart, or we'll have a real problem, you were going atleast 10 over the speed limit." I said "so were you" he said "I'm on important business" I said "then why aren't your lights on?, and how come if it's so important you have time to stop and give me a ticket for going a measly 10 over?" I thought for sure I was off the hook now. This is when he walked back to his car, and was back there about 10 minutes on the radio. Then another squad car came. About 15 minutes later I was one my way, no ticket. But I'm sure I hadn't made any friends either. It's cops like this who think the badge, or squad car make them invincible. The cops here are always going 5 over, it's not alot, but damnit ITS AGAINST THE LAW, and they should be setting an example. I need to read up on how to do citizens arrests and start draggin' these LEO's into their own station in cuffs :) Just think of all the fun.


New member
My Drivers Ed instructor was a retired Texas DPS Officer who lived a breathed Public Safety. All around great guy, and fostered in me a deep respect for DPS Officers everywhere. He witnessed a county constable turn on his lights, blow through a red light, and turn them off again. He pulled the other officer over, and proceeded to read him the right act. The Constable got horsey, so the DPS Officer wrote him a ticket. That made the Constable real mad, and the DPS Officer arrested him, and took him in front of the local judge, the constable's boss. Constable shot his mouth off some more, and was fired.


New member
I agree with Bad Medicine. The only reason the cops want you to stay in the car is so they can search everything within arm's reach of you if they want, without a warrant.

Get out of the car if it's safe and walk to the back of your car with your license and registration in hand. Don't get back in until you're ready. Slavery isn't legal anymore and theoretically we're still a free nation.



Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
BadMedicine, good luck with that. Like the man said, we can't control your actions. But whatever you choose, if you disobey a perfectly reasonable rule of traffic stops such as staying in your car until asked to exit, you are in the wrong. If the officer then draws, that's an overreaction in my eyes, but not by much--and it's his job, not mine, so he's the expert. If, after all that, you draw your gun on that cop, I'll publicly defend him for shooting you. You will be dead wrong and he will be absolutely right. Not just legally, but morally and ethically and practically. Is that clear enough?

As for the original subject, I say good job. I don't like speed limits and I certainly think they're too low where I live, but that doesn't mean I think someone should be allowed to make a living off enforcing such laws and then claim immunity from them! Hypocrisy at its finest.

Mike in VA

New member
FWIW, I think you did teh right thing, hom. If it was professional courtessy, he wouldn't have put you in that position.

But on a tangent, meybe you can straighten me out here if I'm wrong, but aren't peace officers subject to the same traffic laws as everyone else unless they're in pursuit or on a call? I was driving down in So. MD and a trooper blew by me at about 70-75 in 55 zone (in the middle of nowhere with no traffic), no lights or anything. I fell in behind and paced him from about 1/4 mi behind at 70. After about 10 minutes, he pulled over, flagged me and informed me I was about to get a ticket for speeding. I asked him the above question before he started writing and he gave me a funny look. I said, "you obviously aren't on a call, 'cause you have time to pull me over, you weren't in pursuit, cause it was just him & me out there, so if I call the AG's office on Monday and ask that question, what's he going to say?" He didn't answer the question, just shook his head and said "I don't have time for this, YOU SLOW DOWN!!", got in his car and left. My wife said I was really lucky, but guys in blue, I never did get an answer - can you straighten me out? Are you or are you not subject to the same traffic laws as the rest of us, even on duty? Thx, M2 [edited for typos]

[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited September 06, 2000).]

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Puttin on a jammer... :D Right!
I'ld a told him to be sure to buy the most expensive one he can get cause the cheaper ones dont work as well.
:D :D :D
The Jerk.


New member
The reason i don't want anyone out of thier vehicle after i stop them is simple.= Control over thier movements is safer and easier for me to monitor while they sit in thier vehicle.

When someone exits thier vehicle right after thier being stopped usally means there's something they don't want me to see inside thier vehicle, might be trying to get out of a seat belt ticket, [don't work] or are just playing games. Either way, if i order you back inside your vehicle and you won't comply, 1st = I'll issue a citation for "Failure to comply with the lawful order of a peace officer".[41.00$] Still want to push the issue?? if you still fail to comply with a lawful order; I'd arrest you for Interference with offical acts and take you to jail.

Seems like alot to go through when normally i'd give a warning for the speed [unless your 20 mph over the posted limit or your driving record indacates a habitual violator status].

When i stop any vehicle [for wharever lawful reason] your going to play by my rules.. period. Any traffic stop can be as friendly or nasty as the driver of the stopped vehicle wants to make it on themselfs. Lifes all about choices and taking responsibility for your actions. Choose wisely...

Jeff White

New member
You did the right thing. There are ways to handle this situation and the so-called former officer didn't handle his end well.

I would have wrote him. I have never asked for "professional courtesy" and would accept a ticket if I deserved one. People like this man, if he even was a former officer put us all in as bad a light with the public as the feds do when they ignore the constitution.

As for my answers to your questions:
1. Should the subject remain in his car until requested to exit by the peace officer? Yes, you are in charge in the situation. If you want him in the car say so. He's got no right to be offended. you have to do what you need to to be safe.

2. Is telling another cop that you're a cop to get out of a ticket tacky? Yes, professionals don't treat other professionals in this manner. The two times I have been pulled over for speeding in the 15 years I've been a peace officer, I have been too embarrassed to ask for any favors. It's true that most cops won't write another cop a speeding ticket if you can believe the Calibre Press Street Survival Newsline Survey that was conducted a while back. In your situation, I would have written this guy if he was a judge or a senator. You don't put a fellow officer in the position of having to compromise his integrity to extend you a professional courtesy.

3. Using a radar detector will get you a ticket every time. Yes, in my book to. It shows intent to break the law. Why else would you need one? Not much need to dodge radar guided missiles on our highways :)

4. Copping an attitude doesn't go over well with me. I've written more people then I set out to simply because of their attitude. I once tore up a warning ticket I had just finished writing, because the subject walked up to the window of my squad and looked in (scaring the daylights out of me BTW, didn't see him approach, I was busy writing and I had already waved off my backup) and said, "You're not going to write me a f))(*&*(%$g ticket, are you?" To which I replied (while tearing up the warning) "If you really insist, please wait in your car like I asked you in the first place."

These days if an officer wants to keep his job, he doesn't fall for that. We used to have a State Trooper working in our district who was fired for dating a girl he met on a traffic stop. She was all bubbly and flirty and they ended up dating for a month or so, they broke up, she went to the captain, said that she only went out with him, because she was intimidated and he was fired. (he was on probation at the time) A lot of girls still try this, you can always tell, they fix their makeup in the rearview mirror while they are awaiting your approach, instead of looking for their license and insurance card. I ALWAYS write them a ticket. Was fortunate enough to be backup when our woman officer got out of the FTO program and she walked up on a girl who was going to try to flirt her way into a break. The look on her face was priceless when she looked up and saw a 5'2" 100 lb blonde female officer standing there about to ask for license and insurance card.



New member
Good idea to get out of your car when you`re pulled over. You can sue the guy who center punches you into the next county while you`re standing in traffic. Exercise your rights! :D
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