Cops friend kills himself with cops gun

The specialist

New member
An LEO in Mass left his friend unattended in hi shouse. His friend did some snooping around and found a loaded, unlocked .38 caliber revolver. The guy killed himself with the revolver. The Leo's home town police department charged him under the chapter 180 laws. Negligent storage of a firearm. None of the LEO's weapons were sroed according to the law. The LEO's attorney is saying that the law was made for regular citizens and not to be used against LEOs. The guy's own department gave out trigger locks to all the officers along with instructions that police must comply with the new "firearms safety laws". If it were you or I you could bet the house that they would have confiscated all of our guns and taken our permit away as well. Apparently his permit was expired as well, he can carry on his badge while on duty only , but he still needs a valid permit for any other guns.


New member
Yeah, LEO's always seem to be above certain laws. Gun storage laws are one more infringement on our rights. Why was it the officers fault that this guy was nuts and wanted to kill himself? Why should he (or any of us) be forced to unload and lock up our means of self-defense?

The first step is registration, the second step is confiscation, the final step is subjugation.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The specialist:

The LEO's attorney is saying that the law was made for regular citizens and not to be used against LEOs.

Bravo Sierra. NO ONE is exempt from the law. Welcome to the club of getting screwed with the “common folk”. If the fire were held to the feet of more of the “privileged class”, maybe they would wake-up to the frivolity of the majority of our “laws”.

I have had a somewhat similar situation that I have been dealing with for the past several years. A close friend, who is seriously ill, has causally expressed his views about living/not living as his illness progresses. We have similar ideas concerning quality of life.

I don’t think that he would actually do anything but…

When we get together as a group at a mutual friend’s house, I find myself discreetly exercising extreme safety measures with any firearm, that I may have in my possession, if I need to remove it from my body. I may be overreacting but I would rather error on the side of safety and caution then to allow my firearm to be used inappropriately.


[This message has been edited by Skyhawk (edited May 10, 2000).]

The specialist

New member
Itried the link from here but it did'nt work. when you get on the page goto the northeast section then click on Mass. It's down near the bottom of the page