Cops and exotic AWs question


New member
Went to the local Class 3 gunstore earlier this week, to check out the new wares. He had a dealer sample HK G36, very nice! He indicated that he was demo-ing it to the local police department. In other pics on the net, i have seen HK53s, AUGs, and of course the M16 in cops' hands. My question is, how much do these weapons cost police departments? Are they comparable to the M16? how do the police justify buying these things, when the M16 will do?! I would hate to think that these PDs are wasting tax payer's money for something unnecessary. :D


New member
Depends on who you buy from. I bought my AUG for $600, but that was when Gun South got stuck with a mess of them after Bush ban. Feds gave away a bunch of 16s and 14s pursuant to VCCA of `94.

2K? Are 36s that much? I shall make a call this weekend.

Most important thing is training (i.e. "it's the man, not the weapon"). The problem is that the police brass buy the junk with the lasers and phasers and the go-fast black tactical gear but do not allocate any money for instruction and ammo (training budget ALWAYS first to be cut). Good instruction is never given away and ammo costs money. Thus, PDs end up with SQUAT teams who are derided as mall ninja. You then end up with Lubbock, Tejas and the only people who win are the lawyers.


New member
"Grant Money"

Remember this every time you see some asinine form of state or local spending. Often times the inane purchases were made wholly or in part with grant money. The grant money comes with strings attached (thou shalt use this treasure for the purchase of X doohickey), and can lead to some truly odd spending/procurement decisions.

When you look at things in this light, they often make a twisted form of sense. The grant money is free (for the local agency, that is), and so what if they don't need 100 M-16s...they can get them by writing a letter to XYZ federal agency. Viola, 100 M-16s that no one needed, no one wanted, but were free for the taking. Nevermind that the local PD is short on cars or has poor radios- there were no grants for that.

Now, when you look at the big picture, it makes no sense whatsoever. The local agency isn't footing the bill for it, sure...but you are. M16s don't grow on trees. Thats your federal taxes at work.

Take for instance my local PD. We are chronically short of cruisers, criminally short of radios...and yet we manage to get all kinds of wacky new toys that, frankly, we don't really want or need (engraved whistles, a uniform parts replacement policy thats kinda like organized looting with paperwork). Grant money.



New member
Doesn't the LEO making application for a particular AW pay for said AW, except for regular police issue firearms?

Isn't that why LEO discounts are offered; because the LEO has to surrender the AW to the agency if/when he leaves?

Understanding, of course, that the weapon was originally purchased for use "in the line of duty".;)


New member
Believe me, 'round here cops don't actually get to keep or play with any of the verbotten goodies. They are department purchases, owned and kept by the department. WHile this might not be the case in EVERY instance in EVERY place, I imagine it is the norm. And I cannot imagine much variance on any issue except MAYBE standard-capacity magazines.
