Cop Layoffs, no end in sight for ammo crunch


New member
Across the nation, several departments facing deep budget cuts and deficets are forced to lay off large percentages of their staff and officers....
Of course local citizens are doing the right thing and gun sales are surging in these areas as people realize they'll need more than a 9-1-1 call to protect themselves. Question is, with this substantial increase in demand, will the price of ammunition continue to rise? Will we be unable to afford our own protection at this rate?


New member
I personally believe you are overreacting. But I've been wrong before.

I haven't seen any reduction in law enforcement staff. In fact, it seems to be the opposite if any change at all.

Ammo prices have indeed been high for the past 6-8 months, and in some cases, it just hasn't been available at all. It's caused by a lot of people buying up ammo for their "just in case" scenarios as well as new gun owners. But in the last few weeks, I've noticed definite improvement in terms of price and availability for ammo and reloading supplies. I think it will all be back to normal in a few months from now.


New member
My division has laid off all of its part time and temporary help, and has given all the full time employees pay cuts. I personally took a 15% pay cut last month, and another 1% 2 weeks ago.

Things aren't looking good for emergency first responders across the board.

If things keep up like they are, the citizens may have to be their own LEO's, Firemen, and EMT's.


New member
Seems around here there's been no lay-offs but hiring freezes and no or minimal bonuses. The rise in the price of ammo seems to be some trying to take advantage of the situation as much as they can.


New member
If a lot of these new purchases are first time gun owners, will they be aware of an ammunition shortage or keep buying ammo at the inflated prices thinking these are normal costs?


New member
I am more worried for the officers being laid off then my safety.

Or should I say the criminals safety.:D

I don't think it's right to hire officers then dump them a year later.

Like gas,ammo has gone as high as it can before people have decided to stop shooting.

Many people are now ditching the more expensive calibers to shoot the less expensive ones.

The ammo sellers are taking note as that more expensive ammo slows in it's sales.

The real troubling thing is that now the antigunners see how they can kill or severely restrict gun sales.

It's simple,just hammer the price of ammo just like they have cigarettes.


New member
Across the nation, several departments facing deep budget cuts and deficets are forced to lay off large percentages of their staff and officers....
In a very few places. Other places have reduced their hiring binges of the last few years, or cut back on increases.

But very few cuts that could honestly be described as "deep", or layoffs of anything remotely a "large" percentage of forces. There are a few places that have major fiscal issues that have to be resolved, but for the most part, LE agencies are not taking any serious cuts. A few nips around the edges mostly.
Some layoffs or cuts in salary in my area also. Been watching this a bit and it seems most are going with salary or benefit cuts and LEO are not fighting it too much. Nothing drastic yet that I have heard about.

I doubt ammo prices are going to rise enough to prohibit me from purchasing JHPs to carry. I could probably take a few years off from shooting and still shoot better than many I know who carry regularly(not that they are dangerously bad), so I am not going to get crazy about cutting practice down.
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New member
Police Layoffs

There have been several cities and towns in Mass. that have laid off Officers.On my old Dept.(retired now)they just had a bunch graduate from the Police Academy and they were told upon completion that they were all laid off.


New member
600 sworn Deputies in my department. Looking at laying off up to 80 at the end of the year and more the year after that. City is looking at same thing I hear...


New member
Yep same thing down here in the sunshine state... They have been snipping EMT Fire and LE.

But they kept all the building department people, and nothing is being built.. Local governments are trimming the needed services so that they later justify raising taxes when something bad happens.

If they cut the other unneeded service no one would notice and would refuse more taxes.

Same in schools. They always want to raise taxes or fire teachers yet they can always build more football stuff.


New member
The department in my home town is accepting lateral applications, so I guess some affording cities are taking the opportunity to increase their force.
They always want to raise taxes or fire teachers
Around here they cut bussing. In all fairness most of the football stuff around here is alumni donations directly to that cause. Not saying those alumni should not sharpen up and put it to educational use.

I am really glad there is no talk about banning specific "military" cartridges or something like that.


New member
Its interesting to note that when the times get tough, the municipalitys, towns and countys, all talk about laying off cops, firemen and teachers.
It would seem to my feeble mind that they should begin with administrators, appointees, and the myriad of drones that circle around these governments.
Perhaps they don't want as many cops to catch the crooked politicians.



New member
I've worked briefly with my cities park department. of course they are underfunded and are hoping the $5000 bulletin board will attract visitors :rolleyes:
nothing like municipal beauracracy


New member
You could probably find a way to eliminate all taxes, if you were serious. Schools? Well, does everyone have kids in school? What's wrong with private schools? Police? Private security is ready to take up the slack. Roads? Toll roads. There is an answer to your every problem already there.